The gardening plots

How to plant a rose for hedges

The owners of suburban real estate looking for different ways to restrict access prying eyes in their possession. The main ways to protect your possessions from burglary include:

  • construction of fences made of natural stone, concrete;
  • manufacturer fence of wooden boards or corrugated sheet;
  • the production of forged metal lattices;
  • the fences of the mesh;
  • hedges of shrubs (boxwood, sloes, barberries, hawthorn).

With shrubs and trees on a country site it is possible to form a lively decorative fence. This will require the desire, imagination, your creativity. The original hedge of briars is a traditional option the new fence, besides this shrub brings a delicious and healthy fruit.

How to plant a rose for hedges

Where to start ↑

If you have a desire to organize on the site hedge of wild rose with their hands, be patient, materials, and proceed to implement your plans. Briar reaches a height of 1.5–2 meters, besides, it is unpretentious, perfect for all climatic conditions. You can choose for your fence, the hips of the following varieties:

  • Rosa canina (dog rose common);
  • Rosa rugosa (wrinkled);
  • Rosa cinnamomea (brown).

You can choose to fence the shrubs with drooping, erect, creeping branches. The flowers reach a diameter of 1-10 cm, Terry, half-Terry and plain varieties. The colour range includes yellow, white, crimson, pink color, fruit can be bright red and black-brown. A strong flavor comes not only from flowers but from the leaves of this shrub.

How to plant a rose for hedges

Rosa rugosa differs wrinkled leaves, orange-red flattened fruit. Looks impressive fences of all varieties of rose hips.

This decorative fence will help to get rid of unwanted guests, hide your house from many prying eyes. Wild rose (wild rose) has «saying name». The thorns of this shrub is a reliable «castle» from enemies.

How to plant a rose for hedges

The benefits of choosing rose:

  • the plant is undemanding to climatic conditions;
  • shrub and grows well in any soil;
  • sustainable wild rose and to a sharp temperature changes, it is perfectly resistant to drought;
  • numerous paired spines from leaves and shoots, small needles from the lower branches create a natural barrier to the thieves.
  • in addition to decorative functions, the fruit of this shrub are used for medicinal purposes;
  • does not require special care wild rose (flowering plant);
  • the restoration of the fence occurs spontaneously. With the emergence of root sprouts, there is a renewal of the Bush.
    How to plant a rose for hedges

Particular care behind the fence of the decorative roses:

  • moderate watering;
  • periodic mowing to give the fence the desired shape;
  • the elimination of weed plants, weeding the soil around the plant.

The leaves of the wild rose have a bright green color, so this option of the fence fits perfectly in a holiday design. The spring on the Bush there is a lot of tender buds in the fall they will appreciate your caring owner beautiful pink or white flowers in late autumn – red berries.

The Council! The optimum time to plant this shrub is an early spring. Advance (possible in late fall) soil vzryhlite, remove all weeds and introduced mineral fertilizers. Approximate quantity of fertilizer: per square meter 60-70 grams.

The algorithm for creating the hedge of roses decorative ↑

To create hedges, use the following algorithm:

  • planting of seedlings is carried out with an interval of 20-30 cm, the planting is performed in a row;
  • a year after planting, rooted bushes cut to a height of 10-15 cm;
  • during the summer period, remove the side shoots, limiting the number of them on the shrub to 2-3 pieces;
  • Intersecting shoots purified from the bark, attributed to coalescence of twine;
  • Annually the tying of shoots to the trellis.

Besides the decorative function, the natural fence of green briar performs and therapeutic function.

How to plant a rose for hedges

Useful properties ↑

Pale pink and red flowers and the fruit of this shrub is a real «vitamin bomb». The fruits of this undemanding shrub contain vitamins and trace elements exceeding in number 10 times citrus. They allow you to normalize the activity of the human immune system, saturate the body with ascorbic acid and vitamin p. the rose Hips have long been used for the production of useful decoctions, infusions, making delicious and nutritious sweets, homemade fruit compotes.

The Council! After planting shrubs, the soil is abundantly watered, and in holes with a depth of 20-30 cm, planted shoots of the wild rose. Width between plants is 50-60 centimeters.

Compliance with the rules of planting, care of the living fence is a guarantee of its long blooming species can cause the envy of your neighbors.

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