Layout and style

Garden art Nouveau: parse basic stylistic features

Garden art Nouveau: parse basic stylistic features

The natural beauty of nature always attracts people. It is not surprising that in the field of landscape design style such as art Nouveau became widespread. The architectural structures on the background of open space, decorated with meandering lines and floral ornament – in this garden you can not only enjoy the charming beauty of the landscape and fruitful break from the bustle. Garden in modern style which enjoys a great popularity among connoisseurs of beauty and elegance since the NINETEENTH-twentieth century, laconic elements and details in combination with the small set of plants.

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Characteristic features of the garden in modern style

Landscape design in the art Nouveau style integrates the design of the house in harmony with the surrounding area: vegetable compositions are utilized in decorating the buildings, at that time, as lines of the façade are repeated in the garden.

Harmony compositions

The interior living spaces, exterior home and garden style, complementing each other, create holistic harmony

All the space associated ornamental rhythm and subordinated to a single symbolic design.

Often when planning on the part of the garden art Nouveau designers adhere to the centered composition, the starting point of which is the construction design. From home as from the sun, diverge spiral or curved beams open space, subtly divided by hedges, stone pathways and soft lawns.

All landscape works embodied in this style, there is a predominance of smooth curves, which «zoning» space, create the cutting angles and lines. Curves arc also veiled in the elements of decor, the design of the pond and flower plantings.

Curved lines in landscape design

Pleasant visual landscapes are created with curved banks of the pond, the framing of lawns, winding paths

The frequency of occurrence of motifs is another characteristic of this style. The selected item can be repeated many times and beat in a variety of variations: the curved lines of the trunk of a vine plant can be found in fancy patterns wrought iron.

Floral pattern in the tile

Some plant pattern may find expression not only in the songs of the street flower beds, but in the colorful mosaic interior

Another feature of the garden in modern style – a contrast which is evident in the color combinations, the interaction of light and shadow. Successfully used in the creation of the original garden design, the contrast of verticals and horizontals, as well as combinations of fluffy lawn with rough paving.

Art Nouveau motifs in the design of the garden

As for garden decoration using the minimum number of plants, then their choice should be approached with great forethought. Interestingly, the plants most often used for creating modern gardens, valued for their exotic tortuosity of the barrel, the original shape of the crown and inflorescences, as well as «architectural».

Unusual plants for garden decoration

Preference is given to samples that stands out from other interesting foliage and branches, as well as having a kind of color of leaves

Designed to use traditional breeds such as ash, oak, birch, maple, willow, planted singly or in small groups. When creating a garden, made in this style, you can safely use non-traditional floral combinations. On the background of pine trees with fancy curves of the trunk and branches of the original look of the dwarf forms of fruit trees.

The unusual decoration of the landscape there may be the graceful birch, willow and Rowan have zontikovidnoe or weeping crown. Trees with this shape of the crown will give the remote intended for the reflection corner of the garden a special mood of peacefulness and tranquility. King garden flowers in the garden is an elegant art Nouveau iris.

Handsome iris – king of the garden

Unusual and surprisingly beautiful iris flowers can be a variety of shades ranging from pure white and pale peach and completing deep blue and even black

Bright and unusual color palette of the garden in art Nouveau style allows you to create sophisticated compositions which include as delicate fragrant flowers of pastel hues and vibrant floral specimens with lush blooms.

To create mixed borders, fancy envelopes, gazebos, ponds and creeping along the tracks suited the motley composition of daffodils, Phlox, lavender, chernobrivtsev, dwarf chrysanthemums, lilies and daylilies. The vines used for framing and architectural forms, will create the smooth lines, modern favorite.

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