Buildings in the garden

Vegetable stuffed their hands: 3 master class photo-a selection of the best options

Vegetable stuffed their hands: 3 master class photo-a selection of the best options

For the entire summer cottages matured crop of berries – cherries, strawberries, currants, raspberries, and hard-working gardeners cook from them compote, jams and preserves. But not only do they love to eat sweet and juicy berries: cunning birds swoop in flocks in search of dessert and leave behind only the bare cuttings and debris. To cope with the thieves is difficult, that gardeners and people are thinking about how to make vegetable stuffed their hands – it’s at least partially protect the harvest.

The contents

Stuffed «Shelf life» improvised

A little free time and a little imagination – and a bunch of old stuff turns to a mysterious lady, a true mistress of the infield.

Stuffed at the cottage

Most often stuffed give the human form, believing that this will scare the birds

For creativity you will need quite a bit:

  • two cuttings from shovels of different lengths;
  • a nail hammer;
  • old clothes;
  • two buttons;
  • bag stuffed with straw.

Connect the shanks crosswise, scoring a nail, and get a basis for the formation of the Scarecrow.

Cross Scarecrow

For cross fit spade handles, rods, poles, sticks, narrow strips

Make the head: stuff the plastic bag with straw. On top of him pulled baby tights or a pillow case – it turns out the head. For the likelihood sewn eyes – two large buttons, the nose – piece of fabric, lips – Terry cloth. Fix the head on the upper end of the long stalk.

Then on a transverse shaft put on an old dress (skirt) and jacket – and we have quite a nice lady. Of course, stylish the woman does not have enough accessories in Panama and romantic scarf it looks far more interesting.

The head is stuffed

The similarity with the human is evident in the design of the face and choice of clothing

Hat and scarf

The Scarecrow should also be beautiful — do not forget about accessories

Cute Scarecrow to protect the garden

The creative process can bring the whole family and literally the next day the brave young man Scarecrow to scare away all the crows in the garden. He looks a bit like hero «Oz» Bauma, but our children are more familiar with the Scarecrow from the books Volkova – silly, but very good.


Daring smiling Scarecrow — a real decoration of any garden

So the order of work. First draw the head. To the contour of the face was smooth, put on a thick pieces of bright cloth (burlap) a bowl or large platter, draw out it. Cut out two identical circle for the head. One of them is the face. A simple pencil we mark the places where you will be the eyes, nose, mouth.

Pencil drawing

On the bright eye tissues, mouth, and nose more prominent

Mouth embroider stitches using thick wool thread. Eyes to cut out of dark fabric and sew, not forgetting to draw eyelashes. Ears and nose do the complexion – so it will be more natural. Sew the two circles, fill them with polyester batting sewn hair (somewhat thick woolen threads) – head.

Head Scarecrow

For eyes you can use pieces of fabric, felt, buttons, cork

Necessary touch – a hat made out of the bag.

Hat Scarecrow

The hat not only adds a touch of appearance, but also gives traits of our hero

To cut out and sew the hands. Cut out the collar, and decorate it with bells. Master of burlap shirt, pants and fashionable crossbody bag.

Shirt Scarecrow

Patches — a traditional clothing and a Scarecrow

The crosspiece of the two beams sheathed with synthetic padding, attachable head, hands, outfit. Scarecrow ready with a smile all day and night to disperse the berry thieves, although a good garden Scarecrow someone to disperse?

Scarecrow is ready

Color shirts, pants, hats can be exchanged for a brighter

A Scarecrow made of plastic bottles

How to make vegetable stuffed so that it rustled and glistened, and frightened all who encroach on the beds with strawberries? Very simple – using plastic bottles. Variants of a combination of plastic containers of different sizes a lot, consider one of them.

We will need:

  • bottles, plastic, different colors and size;
  • elastic band for fixing;
  • lids from bottles;
  • wire;
  • awl, knife, scissors, stapler.
Stuffed, plastic,

Using plastic bottles of different colors, you can make completely different stuffed

Count the number of large containers to build the legs and arms, for example, 2 pieces on each leg, and 1 on foot. The bottoms of the covers and pierce holes through which stretch the elastic. The end of the rubber bands will be tied to the body.

Torso – the old tank is also plastic. To him, wire attached colored cap – buttons. Head will fit a 5-liter cans of water. To «face» fasten eyes, noses, mouths by means of staples. As limbs, head is attached to the body using elastics. More noise – less birds. So do «loud» the skirt of the caps. Miracle Scarecrow ready.

It turns out that the stuffed vegetable with your hands very easy to do. Due to the violent fantasies are born all new characters. Before us is a bright series of interesting findings, which are faithfully guarded by our garden. Boring stuffed magically turned into original decorative elements that are good and to see themselves, and to show to guests.

Stuffed in shirt

This lovely citizen passers-by can easily take over the host garden

Stuffed in the hat

This Sunny Scarecrow decorative element rather than a means of scaring away of birds

A man with a shovel

It is unlikely that the Scarecrow frightened the birds, but humans for sure


The straw fisherman told us about a favorite pastime of his master


Another version of the Scarecrow Wise, kind and cheerful


Perhaps the birds will be scared of his giant cousin — crow

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