
Garden path made of concrete with their hands

Below the garden was well-groomed and orderly area, be sure to lay garden paths. You can hire the services of professionals, but it is easier, faster and more economical – to do it all by hand. The most traditional method of laying the tracks is concrete. The concrete surface is considered to be the most practical and sturdy, and the use of some modern elements, allows us to give a concrete garden paths is interesting and unusual appearance.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

The advantages and disadvantages of tracks made of concrete ↑

Concrete is the most common and versatile material for the construction of any structures and the creation of any surfaces. Advantages of soda walkways made of concrete are:

  • high strength;
  • durability. A lifetime of soda walkways made of concrete may be up to 25 years;
  • low price and availability of the material. The concrete is so cheap material that afford it can almost every;
  • the ease of the process of styling. It does not require much experience and special knowledge to their own to put the soda track made of concrete;
  • good resistance to the adverse effects of water and fire.

Proven in practice that the operation of the garden paths, is their amazing ability to withstand any mechanical damage and loads. There is no other such material, which would have such features.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

Another advantage is the opportunity to lay a garden path of any shape. To do this, mount the formwork of the desired configuration and fill it with concrete mix.

Also in the process of arranging cover garden paths to the solution of concrete can add a variety of color pigments, thereby creating an interesting ornamental effect. After pouring, a garden path can be covered with mosaics, decorative tile and natural stone.

Tools and materials ↑

To lay a garden path with your own hands, you must first prepare the necessary tools and materials. You will need:

  • wooden planks to create the formworks;
  • reinforcement for strengthening the surface of tracks;
  • bucket;
  • trowel or spatula;
  • wooden pegs and rope;
  • cement, sand, gravel;
  • any container for mixing concrete and mortar.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

Prepare a mixture of ↑

Before carrying out work on the laying of garden paths made of concrete it is necessary to prepare concrete mixture.

The composition of concrete ↑

Traditionally, the composition of the concrete mix consists of sand, cement and gravel. Depending on the intended use of the track, can change the proportions of the ingredients:

  1. If the garden path designed for walking will be enough this ratio of materials: cement – 1 part sand, 2 parts gravel and 4 parts.
  2. For the driveway to the house would need such a solution composition, which after curing form a more dense structure of the surface. You need to connect one part of cement and sand and two parts gravel. The thus obtained mixture capable of forming a surface capable of supporting the load of the car.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

The preparation of concrete ↑

After the concrete mix is determined, you must proceed directly to the process of mixing. To do this in a container poured the gravel and sand and thoroughly mix them until a homogeneous mixture. Then add the desired amount of cement and again everything is very well mixed. To the obtained dry mass of added water.

This should be done very carefully and gradually, adhering to a particular technology. The dry mix is laid out slide, which is a small depression. In it, a thin stream pour the water, simultaneously raking the edges of the dry mixture. So gradually mix the concrete the desired consistency.

The Council! In order to determine the readiness of concrete solution, you need to understand that there is enough plastic mixture.

Swipe the surface with a spatula, if the solution is very fast to smooth out the mixture has reached your ideal consistency. Poke the mixture with a shovel, the remaining striations indicate the readiness of the solution for use.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

It is worth considering that to mix the solution in large volumes is hard enough physically, so if possible, you should get a mixer. Not to spend large funds for its purchase, the unit can be rented.

Technology to create a track ↑

This work requires no special knowledge, but must adhere to certain stages of the process.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

The preparatory stage ↑

After selected the shape of the future garden paths and determined its dimensions, it is necessary to record the location of tracks on the ground. To do this, in the right places to drive pegs and pull the rope between them. Wooden peg it is necessary to prepare as much as possible, because the more often they will mark the desired line, the more accurate the planned project will have a garden path.

After marking territory, laying drainage layer. To do this, around the perimeter, dig a trench, no deeper than 25 cm the bottom of stacked sheets of roofing material. The size of the insulating fabric should be such to cover not only the bottom but also the walls of the trench. The roofing material will be a good protection for the concrete from moisture, which saturated the ground;

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

The Council! To improve drainage properties of the future garden concrete paths, laid on top of the insulating layer is poured a layer of sand, slightly moistened and tamped it. Next, layers of poured gravel and rubble, on top of which rests another layer of sand. All layers must be thoroughly compacted.

The arrangement of the formwork ↑

This stage is very responsible as shuttering is the basis for the future of the garden path. It is the quality of the carried out measures for the arrangement of formwork will depend on the further progress of all works.

To properly mount the formwork, it is necessary to prepare the boards the right size. The height of the Board should match the height of the future concrete garden paths. Wooden planks fastened with nails to the stakes, which are already marked out the garden area.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

In order for a prospective design was more sturdy, and the process of pouring the concrete were faster, the length of the mounted casing with the same frequency should be placed transverse partitions. To facilitate further the process of extracting the partitions from the concrete surface, it is first necessary to well cover any grease.

Reinforcement ↑

The future of the garden path must have sufficient strength to withstand a long time of certain loads. For this purpose, conduct the reinforcement of concrete. For this purpose, a special reinforced metal mesh.

The Council! If you do not have this, it will fit perfectly trimming metal pipes, mesh netting, wire and other metal elements which is already in the economy.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

A rebar is always in the middle of the concrete surface. It is worth considering that if for some reason the reinforcement of concrete paths is not carried out, the layer of concrete Foundation should be at least 20 cm.

Pour concrete mix ↑

The main thing in this process is to carefully and not rush. Pour the mixture to the edges of the formwork, leveling it with a spatula. In the process of casting, the formwork must be periodically rattling. Thus, of the mixture comes out the unnecessary air, and the resulting surface will be stronger and tighter in structure.

On completion the surface is leveled with a flat wooden Board, in the same way removed the excess material. The resulting surface is necessary to give a well dry. For this purpose it is covered with film and allowed to settle for at least 6 days.

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

Decorative elements concreted paths ↑

To give a garden path of individuality and exclusivity, you can apply some of the techniques of decoration.

For example, not yet fully dried concrete surface is cut with a spatula. Make small holes that are later covered with earth and planted with grass. Thus, it is possible to create the illusion of aged garden paths made of stone

Garden path made of concrete with their hands

Also the surface of concrete walkways impregnated with a special solution based on resin and wax. They not only create an interesting decorative surface, but also protect the concrete from premature cracking and weathering.

Conclusion ↑

The creation of the garden of concrete walkways on your plot it is troublesome, but simple. With a little force, showing the care and patience you can create beautiful and practical surface for areas of your garden, which will be appreciated by all who will come to visit you.

In the following video you will learn how to make concrete slabs for garden paths with his hands

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