Buildings in the garden

Make a fence of metal fence: old fence in a new way

Make a fence of metal fence: old fence in a new way

Fence for suburban or rural land must complete two mandatory functions: to serve as a protective barrier and to be part of the decor. Choosing the right material for its construction, it is possible to emphasize the dignity of the cottage and to create a truly reliable and durable protection. Not surprisingly, more and more vacationers are choosing a fence made of metal fence – he fully meets their requirements.

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The advantages of this design

Thanks to the modern production of composite elements of country fences transformed: from an awkward lop-sided fences with rusting pillars they turned into beautiful, aesthetically designed fencing.

Constituent parts – the fence and the beam – treated polymer composition, stained in different colors. It is very convenient to create a color harmony with the cottage – the shade of the fence, you can choose the color of roofing tiles, siding or brick.

Metal – the material is strong and durable, so the metal fence will last much longer than wooden products. The manufacturer offers a guaranteed lifetime built the fence up to 30 years. The warranty on the color coating is up to 10 years, so in the coming years you can not think neither about painting nor about the repair.

A fence made of metal fence

Despite the affordable cost of the material, a fence made of metal fence looks perfect, especially in combined form with brick pillars


Great choice of colors allows you to build a fence based on the design of the suburban area: the bright colors make the fence almost invisible, bright – focus her attention

One of the main advantages of metal parts in low price. The average price of a fence with a height of 170-180 cm – 50 rubles. If you calculate the cost per meter of finished fence, you’ll get quite a reasonable amount – about 300 rubles. It is much cheaper than a similar cut of a stone or brick fence. Low price have wooden fences, but they require constant attention: a serious processing special tools, paint, frequent repair.

The method of fixation

The fence is fastened to joists hidden or open way, respectively, for fixing some of the options for the necessary decorative metal rivet

Features of bearing and fencing products

Carrier portion of the country represent metal fence posts and fencing – a fence of steel. For making posts use different materials, so often get mixed fences: metal fence goes well with brick, concrete and even wood. But the supports made of metal are also in demand — usually a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm and above. We must remember that the elements of the fence harder than simple wooden slats or wire-netting, so the support poles should be strong and firmly rooted to the spot.


Self-erected brick pillars, whose value is much higher than the metal fence, you can replace budget option and rolling poles manufactured in the factory

The distance between the supports are filled with a metal fence fixed to the rungs of the profiled pipe, the size of which – 20 x 40 mm. Sometimes using a bigger section, but this is usually enough.

The support from the pipe

Metal tube, painted the color of the fence is the most inexpensive supports, plus they are quick and easy to install

The fence is the profiles of a certain length, made of galvanized steel by rolling and covered with decorative polymer coating. The polymer is bright or more neutral colours: red, brick, blue, grey, green. The thickness of the galvanized sheet – millimeter.


Metal fence is different in shape and number of bends. This type has a V-shaped, slightly rounded shape

Profile options several. By changing the length, width, bends and clearance the upper part manufacturers made various styles and colors. Here are three sets of metal fence, which look completely different.


Option «Classic» different rounded ends of shtaketin and their dense arrangement – two rows of elements on both sides make the fence solid


The lightness of the fence «Gothic» provides a pointed shape and location of shtaketin: they are mounted on both sides in a checkerboard pattern, but with small intervals


Option «Neptune» different from «Gothic» a form elements, the upper ends of shtaketin split into three parts and resemble a Trident

Fence «gain» quickly doing repetitive movements. The main focus is on the accuracy of the layout and the strength of the.


If you look at a fence made of metal fence from different angles, it changes its appearance: the solid becomes transparent

Technology self-installation of the fence

It would seem that such a smooth and beautiful fence it is impossible to build their own. In fact, everything is simple. The installation of a fence is to clear the layout, the installation of support posts with the jumpers and the Assembly main part.

Preparation of materials, tools and job site

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the range of the fence in the store and choose the suitable. Not to buy too much product, you should carefully measure the perimeter fence up the site, and then the basis of calculation, to buy the required number of profiles and pipes. You can take the raw galvanized steel, but then you’ll have to buy primer and paint and then spend time processing. It will be a little cheaper, but longer time, and the decorative layer will lie not so professional as in the plant.


Armed with a tape measure, it is necessary to more precisely allocate fence between the supports depends on the aesthetic part of the fence

There will be two bars – top and bottom, so when calculating the length of the perimeter must be multiplied by two. The choice of lag is large, their length – 2-12 M. Buy the crossbar, given that the distance between the poles, from 2.5 m to 4. Large spacing is impractical – it will be too much load on the joists, and they can SAG. The calculation is easy: to 25 m fence will require 10 support columns, the same 5-meter bars (or twenty if they are two times shorter than 2.5 m).

The distance to the ground

Distance from Stettin to the ground protects the components of the fence from quick wear. However, it should not be so large that people and animals are easily penetrated into the territory of the plot

Standard width of shtaketin – 100 mm or 120 mm depending on «transparency» of the fence. The greater spacing of fixings, the airy fence. There are blind options when the fence is attached butt or lap, but on both sides. To create «transparent» fence enough 5 products in 1 m – distance between shtaketiny will be equal to their width.

The fastener used for fixing the elements of the fence – screws or bolts with special washers that prevent rapid deterioration of the polymer coating and prolong its life without repair. Sometimes used a special attachment for the fence, also made of profile.


For fixing the steel profiles to the beams is a smart choice galvanized fasteners – it is the same durable as the components of the fence

Tool is better to prepare in advance. For excavation required a shovel or auger to fix the parts screwdriver. You may need and a welder – it depends on the design of the fence and gates and doors. String and laser level will help you accurately distribute the items.

The plot for construction should be cleaned of debris and grass, to level. Mark out the perimeter with pegs between which the pull cord. Indicate the exact location of the poles and start to work.


An interesting effect is obtained when using a dual color: outside the fence bright, and the inside of the light, not conspicuous

Installation of supporting pillars

Pulling out of the pit, the depth of which shall not be less than 50 cm For a more secure attachment of stake in the ground is not enough to just fill the pit with soil or sand, needed concreting. Prepare the solution according to the standard scheme, and you can buy a ready made blend or make your own from cement and sand. Each post should stand strictly vertically, so it’s best to use the building level. The distance between the posts is measured based on the length of the rails. The installed bearing must be fixed for a while – until complete drying of the concrete (at least two days). This is usually used wooden props.

Concrete is poured

Concreting of metal pillars – a mandatory step in the construction of the fence. The quality of the pillar depends on the durability and reliability of the fence

Article topic: Setting poles for the fence: ways of assembling different designs

Assembly of metal structures

It is planned to place mounts and rails using screws mounted them around the perimeter, and at the same time check the accuracy of marking. Then armed with a marker and consistently throughout the length of the designated place of fixing the fence. At this stage you will need patience, attention and accuracy.

Profile width

Given the standard width of shtaketin defined by the spacing between elements of the fence. The wider the distance between the profiles – the «easier» fence

The fence will look perfect in one case – if the distance between shtaketiny the same. Remains the simplest way to fasten the fence with a screwdriver. A beautiful and safe fence is ready, you can do the installation gates and doors.

The finished fence

A solid fence made of metal fence is a great fencing option for the suburban area. It compares favorably with hardwood analogues in the neighbourhood

Sometimes the horizontal rails using timber. It isn’t as durable as steel with a polymer coating, and therefore requires additional treatment with antiseptic and paint. Of course, the distance between supports should be a small tree more difficult to hold the weight of metal fence.

Video example of proper mounting

As the saying goes, better to see once with my own eyes and everything will become clear:

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