
How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

Polypropylene pipe for heating has been used for many years, but still left people skeptical in relation to this material. And this suspicion is not accidental, the fact that PP pipes touched is a problem for a lot of things, which are in great consumer demand, namely a lot of fakes.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

Unscrupulous manufacturers quickly learned how to make a lot of money on low quality products and flooded the market with materials that are deteriorating in a year or two. To avoid this problem, you need to always demand the seller a certificate of quality, because, oddly enough, but to forge an official document is more complicated than the pipe itself.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

But, not only low quality material can cause failure of the heating system. Polypropylene pipe, unlike metal, it is very easy to mount yourself, and it does not require any special skills, and lack of knowledge leads to the wrong choice of materials and errors in calculations. To avoid these problems, you must carefully read all types of polypropylene pipes for heating, and to understand where and how you can use them.

The types ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

First and foremost PPR pipes can be divided into:

  • Reinforced.
  • Unreinforced.

The second option is much cheaper, but the technical characteristics of the pipe without additional reinforcement layer is much lower. From the main minuses is possible to allocate the characteristic:

  • Do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.
  • Possible rupture during freezing.
  • When heated above 70 degrees, the pipe can SAG and significantly expand.
  • With a slight «hernia» on the surface.

Reinforced pipes do not have these disadvantages, but it’s not so simple as the reinforcing layer can also be different, and depending on how you will use the pipes, selected material, but all in good time.

Characteristics ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

There are several options for reinforcement of polypropylene pipes, and each has its own set of pros and cons. But do not just buy the most expensive, with a composite reinforcement, though they surpass competitors in quality, but some details just don’t make sense, as each material can be used in environments with different levels of aggressiveness.

Of course, there is a difference in diameter. The minimum size is 10 mm, and the maximum is unlimited, but in daily life rarely used pipe diameter more than 40 mm. Conventionally, they are represented in Latin letters PN followed by a number denoting the size.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

For different conditions of use, applies certain diameter, as if the pressure in the system will be insufficient for normal operation, the water simply does not rise to the required height. For clarity, we will present a table with the diameter of the pipe, and areas where they can be used.

The diameter of the pipe

The system pressure, ATM

Temperature limitations and scope



Cold water. +20



Cold water, warm floor. +60



Hot water. +80

Twenty five


Hot water. Heating. +95

Thirty two


Hot water. Heating. +95


More than 3

Hot water. Heating. +95

It is important! Strong excess pressure in the system, and the mismatch of the diameter, will break, and it does not matter what material is made the reinforcement.

One-piece aluminium ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

The cheapest option is the reinforced pipe. Thin solid sheet of aluminium placed between layers of polypropylene and significantly enhances the design, but this pipe, like all others, there are a number of restrictions on its use.

  • The water temperature in the system should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise it starts thermal deformation, and the pipe can burst.
  • Each joint before soldering must be cleaned, which greatly affects the time of installation of the entire system.
  • The threshold for freezing pipes reinforced with aluminium, only 5 degrees. If such a tube is used in the heating system of a private house, then turn off the heating in any case can not.
  • Do not use this pipe in the hot water, because constant temperature changes will eventually lead to the destruction of the reinforcing layer.

If all these factors are absent, we can safely use the pipe on the heating system, but there are always certain risks, and therefore experts advise to mount it on only the cold water where it is not threatened.

Perforated aluminium ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

The only difference from the first embodiment in that there is not a single sheet of aluminum, and perforated, that is, with many small holes. Such perforation, greatly increases the strength of the reinforcing layer, and accordingly, the pipe can withstand more pressure and temperature.

There is no point to dwell on the description of the features of these pipes, as they differ little from those already described above. The only difference is that the parameters of expansion and resistance to pressure and temperatures a bit higher as well, and the price of the product itself.

Fiberglass reinforcement ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

Pipe reinforced fiberglass layer is able to withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees, and it does not lose its qualities. The fact that fiberglass is passed between two layers of polypropylene, has minimal heat and does not expand when heated. Thus, the internal part that is in direct contact with water, does not warp when heated, as it holds the reinforcement, and the exterior is not heated to such a temperature to deform.

This pipe can be used in the installation of floor heating and latent heating. Manufacturers provide a minimum warranty period – 25 years, but it lasts much longer that will more than compensate for relatively high cost.

Another undeniable plus polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement is that it is able to endure negative temperatures up to -20 degrees. And even if the water inside freezes, the cavity will break.

The Council! Pipe with fiberglass reinforcement does not need to be cleaned before soldering.

Composite reinforcement ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

The most persistent and hardy species of polypropylene pipes. As a reinforcing material for them uses a two-part composite, plastic, and fiberglass. The peculiarity of this material is that plastic in its structure, interacts with the inner and outer shells, improving heat transfer, whereas fiberglass holds the entire structure in a consistent state.

Such pipe can be safely used in any pipeline as it is able to withstand heat up to 95 degrees and freezing to -30.

Summing up all said above, we give a short table which will help you better understand all of the technical characteristics polypropylene pipes and to understand how and where you can use them.

The types of reinforcement


The maximum temperatureZero

The minimum temperature, WithZero

Thermal expansion, deformation

Maximum pressure, ATM.


One-piece aluminium





Cold water

Perforated aluminium





Heating open type






Hot water supply, heating, warm floor


Ninety five





Installation of polypropylene pipes with reinforcement ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

It should be noted immediately that this topic is rather for educational purposes than as a guide to action. Installation of pipes made of polypropylene simple and if you have experience will take minimum time, but the technology brazing is a very important event, which does not tolerate mistakes. Overheating or underheating of the two components of the system for a few seconds, can greatly weaken the seam, and in this place sooner or later formed a leak.

Necessary tools ↑

  • Sweep, if you are using pipe with aluminum reinforcement.
    How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating
  • Soldering iron with nozzles of the desired diameter.
    How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating
  • Scissors for plastic pipes.
    How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

Soldering ↑

First and foremost, the tube must be cut into the desired segments, considering the connecting fittings. Further, each segment, with both ends trimmed with a clean cut to the aluminum layer, leaving only the soldering polypropylene.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

Now you need to put on a heated soldering iron pipe and fitting and hold them in this position for a certain amount of time, then the elements are removed from the soldering iron and connected to each other for a few seconds until the plastic hardens and will not take a monolithic structure.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

It is very important get a good warm polypropylene, so as to warm up the pipes of different diameters takes different amounts of time. If you have experience, the necessary condition is defined on the eye, if no such experience, below is a small table.

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating


The width of the weld, mm

Time is necessary for good adhesion when soldering

The heating tubes on the soldering iron, h

Connect the pipes to complete solidification, sec.









Twenty five




Thirty two








It is important! If all-taki the decision on self-Assembly, it is best to practice on a junk segments.

And to learn more about how to connect polypropylene tubes, you can watch the video

Conclusion ↑

How to choose polypropylene pipes for heating

Heating and hot water is a very important stage of repair, the slightest mistake may lead to most disastrous consequences. This is not the place to take risks or experiment. Best of all, entrust this work to professionals and to do everything with your hands is quite possible, the main thing is the correct calculation and strict observance of all rules of installation.

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