Living room

The living room design combined with kitchen

Modern technology, particularly communications, are designed to bring people together, but unfortunately, all occurs absolutely on the contrary. The tradition to visit each other’s homes just like that, without warning, or gather the whole family for Breakfast, is becoming increasingly rare in the modern family. And often it is not lack of time but lack of places where you could gather a large family or company.

The living room design combined with kitchen

This problem is especially actual for owners of the old stock or, more simply «Khrushchev», which in our country is still very much. The rooms in these apartments do not differ spaciousness and comfort, especially food, which, in General, difficult to turn. Therefore, people are increasingly turning to redevelopment, namely the removal of the partition between the kitchen and living room.

The living room design combined with kitchen

As shown, this technique is not only visually expands the space, but also able to solve many of the pressing problems facing all small kitchens Housewives.

Like many fashion trends, the idea of combining kitchen with living room, came to us from the West, where it is not customary to spend much time standing at the stove. So taking the decision on creation of the project design of living room with kitchen, you must consider all positive and negative aspects.

The disadvantages of combining living room and kitchen ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

  • Kitchen – a place where sometimes let’s a little creative mess. When combined with the living room will have to monitor very carefully. A few unwashed dishes or crumbs of bread on the table can spoil the look of the entire room.
  • Strong smells from prepared food will be posted throughout the apartment, and even a powerful hood won’t be able to absorb them all.
  • Now, the noise from household appliances will not deter the wall. And many kitchen appliances such as food processor or blender is kind of loud.

The benefits of combining living room and kitchen ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

  • Additional space for collections large companies.
  • Additional lighting due to the fact that the room will have a kitchen window, and at least two.
  • There is no need carrying of ready meals from one room to another.
  • The apartment looks very stylish and fashionable.
  • Many Housewives are annoyed that while their family members spend time together, they have to stand at the stove devoid of communication, now the problem will be solved by itself, it is possible to communicate with loved ones, without interrupting daily business.

Redevelopment ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

If the pros and cons considered, and the decision about the new design adopted, should not immediately take up the hammer and tear down the wall.

It is important! Unauthorized intervention in the design of the house can lead to the collapse of the entire building.

First and foremost, you need to consult experts and get permission from the relevant authorities. If between the living room and the kitchen is not just a wall, and supporting wall, then the redevelopment can be forgotten.

The living room design combined with kitchen

But do not despair, even in the bearing wall, sometimes a valid extension of the doorway through the arch.

Also, there are specifications for the apartments, equipped with a gas stove. If the apartment has such, to permit the combination kitchen with a living room will be much more difficult.

But as you know on the way to dream, overcome any obstacles.

Zoning ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Zoning is most often used by designers move. It allows you to use several interior styles in the same room. To design a combined kitchen and living room of small dimensions, it is especially important.

Despite the combination of two spaces, kitchen and living room remain diametrically opposed to destination areas. The place for cooking and eating may not be identical to the place of rest. That is why zoning is simply a must.

The living room design combined with kitchen

Ways of dividing the space into several zones, and choose the appropriate based on the characteristics of the apartment and personal preferences.

Bar ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Probably the most effective technique for small-sized rooms. The bar serves multiple functions and allows you to remove some furniture to make space:

  • Serves as a eating area.
  • Creates an extra work surface.
  • Delineates the space.

Podium ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

If you have the ceiling height, the kitchen area can be slightly raised. The difference between areas just 5-10 cm are able to visually divide the space and use different interior styles without compromising the overall harmony. Also, under the kitchen runway well hide numerous communications.

Arch ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

The transition between zones is designed in the form of an arch, suitable for almost any design style. This technique allows you to combine the space while not mixing them, and the design of the arch built in lighting will create additional contrast.

The living room design combined with kitchen

Folding screens ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

A convenient way of zoning that allows from time to time to delineate space. Elegant, translucent screen, not be able to fully separate the kitchen from the living room, but will become an interesting decor item.

Hedge ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Trudging plants or fish tanks can not only decorate room, but also visually divide it into zones. Besides live plants in the apartment is combining business with pleasure.

To more clearly understand how looks a kitchen combined with a living room, you can watch the video

Study design ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

The interior design of a living room combined with kitchen, requires a special detailed study. Even completely different styles should look harmonious and not conflict with each other.

Baroque living room and kitchen in the style of hi-tech, will look at least inappropriate, therefore, selection of styles and the selection of furniture for both areas should be given special attention.

Often, the emphasis is on living as more Central premises, in this case the kitchen is made in a minimalist style, where the main factor is the functionality. But you can focus on the cooking area, in this case will help the game on an unobtrusive contrasts.

The living room design combined with kitchen

Use in the kitchen more bright colors than in the living room will highlight it and attract views.

It is important! Do not make too Intrusive contrast transitions. Too much bright colors will quickly bore people, located in the living room.

Play on contrasts between the kitchen and living room, not only with paint. Finishing materials and furniture are also able to create transitions. In the living room, you can use a more natural and warm materials like wood and textiles, while the kitchen area will be full of glass and plastic.

Flooring ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Perfect flooring for the living room is the carpet or just the carpet, they are soft and adds extra comfort, but their use in the kitchen, at least not practical. For practical reasons, the kitchen often use tiles. But, to make a smooth transition between the soft carpet in the living room and hard tile is not easy. Especially if the floors are on a single level without the use of catwalk.

Creating a holistic design living room combined with kitchen, you should pay attention to any laminate. This floor covering perfect for any room, and has a huge variety of textures and colors.

The living room design combined with kitchen

It is important! Using laminate in a combined room, it is necessary to remember that for the kitchen, unlike the living, require a coating of higher strength and wear resistance.

Different colors of laminate can be joined into a single coverage, which will not stand out joints.

Wall ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Creating kitchen design combined with living room, from the walls with patterned Wallpaper should be abandoned. Better if it is painting, which can be used to create a smooth transition from one zone to another. The walls, the better to keep the neutral and the accent can be transferred, for example, in kitchen apron.

There is also the option of finishing wall panels. In this case, you can create a single space kitchen with living room, using a simulated natural materials such as stone or wood.

The main advantage of wall panels is that they are able to endure the aggressive environment of the kitchen, and at the same time to be a part of living room design.

Ceiling ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

For complex designs, and living room combined with kitchen, is exactly that, the ideal option would be the ceiling. The method of manufacture allows you to create the most intricate designs, which you can use how to zone the space and give it integrity.

Also it can be used to repeat the differences of sex, if used the podium.

Various geometric shapes created in the ceiling can adjust the visual perception of the entire premises in General.

The living room design combined with kitchen

A significant disadvantage of suspended ceiling is its sensitivity to the purity. It is impossible to wash, and he is able to absorb odors, so if the house is home to a large family and the kitchen very often, and a lot of cooking, it is necessary to consider more practical options, such as vinyl stretch ceiling.

This design is stain resistant and does not absorb odors, in addition to vinyl fabric can be applied to any pattern that will emphasize the feature of the sophisticated design.

The living room design combined with kitchen

There is a perception that a stretch ceiling can only be smooth, but it is misleading. Modern technologies allow to create of vinyl canvas multi-level construction, which is also very important for kitchen combined with living room.

Coverage ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Proper placement of lighting is another important aspect of complex designs living room combined with kitchen. With its help you can completely change the visual perception.

From the Central lighting in chandeliers, it is better to give up, and to give preference to point fixtures or concealed LEDs. As a rule, the kitchen needs more light than the living room. Therefore, it is desirable that the lighting was a combination. That is, if necessary, you can add light to the work area, and when the kitchen is not in use, leaving only decorative lighting.

The living room design combined with kitchen

Combined lighting is important because too much light in the kitchen will always attract attention and interfere with proper rest in the living room. Because sometimes you want to sit in the shade and just watch TV.

Conclusion ↑

The living room design combined with kitchen

Living room combined with kitchen is not just a tribute to the new fashion trends. Often it is simply a necessary condition for the comfort in the apartment. Unfortunately, the main goal of the architects of the last century, was the creation of convenient apartments, but with a small area.

The modern kitchen has become more functional and requires space, and you can only get it by connecting with the living room.

The creation of this design project is no easy task, but the result can surpass all expectations.

The living room design combined with kitchen

Today, flats in many buildings, in the beginning planned with combined kitchens and living rooms. Take note of this option and those who build private house or cottage.

The video shows that even in relatively large indoor area, kitchen combined with living room looks very current and stylish.

Both of these facts show the demand for such design decisions, and their convenience in comparison with isolated rooms.

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