
The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

When building a house, the question often arises of what material to cover a roof. Similar issues may arise as well, and the owners of the house, if the roof of their homes are old and started to leak.

The roof has always been one of the most important elements of the room. Improper design or poorly chosen materials for the roof can have a detrimental effect on the whole house. In this article we will discuss the following questions: what are the different materials for roofing, their advantages and disadvantages and what is still, better close the roof.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

Types of roofs ↑

Often when building a house in the country, the roof is flat or pitched. The main difference between these types of roofs is the slope angle. In a flat roof it is almost absent, but in the second embodiment, the roof slopes can be nearly vertical.

Consider the design and construction technology of roof.

In the beginning, set the wooden rafters. The upper part of the rafters attached to the top overall bracket, which is located in the middle, and the bottom is attached to the beam. Clamps are designed to bond with each other, all the parts of the roof frame.

Top of rafters sheathing is attached, it will be located the roof. There are two types of crate: solid and lattice. Solid crate is a fairly wide boards that are mounted close to each other that there were no gaps, thus covering the entire area of the rafters. Slatted crate is being built at the expense of a narrow smooth planks that are nailed to the top of the rafters.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

Selection of material for the roof ↑

Nowadays there are many varieties of roofs, among them are fairly cheap, and very expensive materials. Before starting construction works, you should weigh the pros and cons about each type of roof. To choose between saving and practicality – is not rational. Too cheap and not practical, the roof will last its service life is not long, and you’ll have to re-cover a roof often enough. But do not forget that if the roof will be too heavy, it could collapse and it would have to spend the effort to restore it. This begs the question, what to choose the material as roofing for a small country house?

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

The roofing material. The main advantages and disadvantages ↑

The roofing material is a cardboard for the roof, which is impregnated with bitumen from the oil, and after it is covered with a refractory bitumen from both sides. To the roofing material lasts as long as possible, on the outer side is applied to the mica or sand topping.

The main advantages of the material:

  • easy to use;
  • placed on the roof of the various structures;
  • the material is able to withstand the impact of the external environment, rain, snow, etc. as roofing material not susceptible to fungi;
  • moisture.
It is important! Roofing felt is best used for areas that are not intended for long use.

The main cons of roofing material:

  • roofing material is designed for a short use, operating period of not more than twenty years;
  • pretty soon begins to stratify;
  • breaks when bent.

Roofing felt is not suitable as a roof for country houses, because its characteristics do not meet the requirements. Material when temperature changes begins to stratify is one of the reasons it is not durability. So if You do not want often to cover a roof, choose a material for the country house more durable.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

Slate. The main advantages and disadvantages ↑

Slate – translated from German means slate. It has been known for a long time, due to its strength, slate was used as building material.


Asbestos – is the most common type of asbestos, mainly when making use of grey, but this slate has other colors.

Soft. Roof with this slate look quite impressive, besides it has low weight, which facilitates the work with him. But its disadvantages include the fact that after some time it tends to fade and its attractiveness is lost.

Metal. Usually this material is used as roofing for industrial buildings. But with proper painting, it can be used for house roof.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

The main advantages of asbestos slate:

  • sturdy enough to withstand a lot of weight;
  • in areas where the roof used this kind of slate, in the summer the temperature does not rise too high due to the low thermal conductivity;
  • not affected by fire;
  • a fairly high level of noise isolation.

Cons asbestos slate:

  • needs to be primed, as it has a tendency to grow moss;
  • a very large weight.
It is important! Due to its heavy weight, this kind of slate is difficult to mount on height alone, you should enlist the help of a partner. Besides, when working at heights, must use the insurance.

Metal. The main advantages and disadvantages ↑

This material came to us from abroad. He became very popular in the CIS countries and our sohrazhdan are increasingly using it instead of traditional materials to roofs of country houses.

Pros metallocherepicy:

  • the light weight of the product;
  • easy to work with;
  • does not lose its qualities with temperature changes;
  • not injurious to health;
  • easy enough to fix.

Cons of metal:

  • low level of sound insulation;
  • the accumulation of condensate on the inner part of the material;
  • when working with him – a lot of waste.

The environment has a strong impact on the material. When you work with the roof, you should ask for help to the master to reduce waste and not have to pay a lot.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

Ceramic tile. The main advantages and disadvantages. ↑

This material is known for a long time. The main purpose of ceramic tiles – to give the room the effect of antiquity. Very popular in Europe.

The main advantages of the material:

  • designed for very long operational life, does not lose its qualities over a hundred years;
  • not dangerous to health;
  • non-flammable;
  • high levels of insulation;
  • the material is resistant to temperature changes;
  • ease of installation.

The main disadvantages of the material:

  • heavy. Rafters of the roof must be very sturdy to withstand the kind of roof;
  • requires compliance with a specific slope to drain water;
  • the installation of this material will cost You about as much as the material itself. Improperly manufactured tile may collapse under the impact of the hail.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

Shingles. The main advantages and disadvantages. ↑

This type of material, appeared on the market not so long ago, but has already managed to gain popularity. It is used as a roofing material as abroad, and we have. Roof shingles has a rather attractive appearance.

The main advantages of the material:

  • this material can be put on the old layer of the roof;
  • placed on roofs of all types;
  • has almost no waste;
  • light weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low corrosion;
  • high level of impact resistance.

Disadvantages of this material:

  • absorbs a lot of moisture;
  • a small level of resistance to temperature changes;
  • quickly fade;
  • not durable. Operating period not exceeding thirty years;
  • this type of material is easy to process.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

Water drainage from the roof of the country house ↑

The above information was provided about the main types of materials for roofing country house. And considered their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. It’s time to mention such an unimportant element as the water drainage from the roof.

Water that drains from the roof, can have a detrimental effect, on the very roof, and the building itself. The walls and Foundation from getting wet can quickly come into disrepair. Also if you do not provide water drainage, moisture will accumulate under the feet and this will cause a lot of inconvenience. The system of drainage consists of many elements, the most important of them is the gutter. They are made from different materials that have their own characteristics. Selection of chute diameter depends on the size of the roof. Fixed diverter system with brackets. The installation of the tide will not require a lot of effort is sufficient to employ a couple of people and everything will be ready.

The roof of the country house: material for the roof, the roof insulation

The selection of the material for roofing should be taken very seriously. When you purchase the material, you should examine the certificate, if the product is not done accurately, You will have in this case to spend too much effort on roof repair or replacement, and «will cost a pretty penny».

Video modern roofing materials

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