Make a birdhouse with your hands on the blueprints, pictures, and videos

Take care of the birds is possible by throwing them bread crumbs or seeds. Doves and sparrows love to flock to this treat. What else can we do for birds? In the city and in the country? Of course, they build a place to live in the nesting box. And why people build it birdhouses? Actually, the build and starlings. They are similar to birdhouses, only smaller in size and they have a slightly different architecture. But why do we call the houses for the birds birdhouse and don’t use other names? The fact that not all birds will accept is located in «house», built by strange creatures on two legs. Clearly, this does not apply to kahulugan-sparrows. And starlings settle.

Live, starlings are a family of passerine without a big showdown. Can perfectly imitate the song of other birds, including the famous Nightingale warbling. And no one better than starlings clean our parks, forests, and gardens from insects. Do you know how many beetles can eat one Starling in the breeding period? 8 thousand beetles with larvae! And the caterpillars, slugs, snails just absorbed them without an account. Therefore, building and hanging birdhouses, people care not only about the bird. People are concerned about their future crop. And we should be happy if a pair of starlings will choose your house. This is a great success!

But not enough to build a birdhouse. We need to build it properly and properly hang.

A few simple rules about which you should know ^ the

Here are a few rules that should be followed before you start building a house for starlings:

  • The nesting box should be checked, otherwise in the summer the birds live there can not. For ventilation would be enough of just a couple small gaps between the roof and walls of the house. For this reason, the manufacturer of the birdhouse metal is a bad idea.
  • It is necessary to organize «drainage». Entering the house the water should immediately leave. To do this, drill a very fine hole in the floor, and for the protection of the hole (entrance hole), set over him a little shelter.
  • Hang the new birdhouse best in early April. And in the old, through the removable roof to hold at the same time «General cleaning». Birds would not return to the birdhouse if it almost a year without cleaning.
  • In rural areas the optimal height of the birdhouse is about 4 meters. In the city it is necessary to weigh higher. See that there were branches. So in cats and other fans of squartini will be less likely.
  • A birdhouse should be covered with foliage from direct sunlight.
  • Your creation must be nailed vertically, no Prague «dancing houses». Notches should look in that direction where least likely blowing in the wind.
  • It is very important! It should be remembered that little is to nail the birdhouse. It should each spring be sure to clean before the arrival of new guests.

Classic wooden birdhouse ↑

The best material for the manufacture of the house – tree. However, not every tree will do. Good Board from birch, oak and alder. Conifers are not suitable because of the resin they secrete. Should not be used for the construction of birdhouses, particleboard and fiberboard – based chemical components used in their manufacture, for birds harmful. Not the best option and plywood.

Is there a standard birdhouse. The Board should use a minimum thickness of 20 mm, so the house will be better to keep warm. Do not use sanded Board – this will make it easy for Chicks leaving the nesting box. If the Board is sanded, it is necessary to scratch with a knife or nail that side of it, which will be internal. Birdhouses usually make the width from 120 to 150 mm, a height of 300-350 mm, a length of the side wall of 150-160 mm. it is Important to observe two size: the diameter of the hole (the inlet) should be 40-50 mm, the distance from the hole to the bottom of the house – not less than 150 mm.

Birdhouse larger size will accommodate more Pets, but in this matter against your plan will perform natural selection. Parents will not be able to feed all hatched Chicks, and even those of them who survive, will not survive the flight to winter in warmer climes – they will grow weak. Entrust this question to Nature and try to adhere to when building a birdhouse standard sizes. In this case, all offspring will survive a couple of Chicks, but sturdy and strong.

These dimensions are well suited for homes starlings. Sparrows will happily occupied. And for great Tits the diameter of the hole will have to be reduced to 35-40 mm, small Tits enough is the entrance hole with a diameter of 30 mm.

Of course, in the design of the birdhouse, you can make changes and show imagination, but then you should adjust the sizes. Respect for the fundamental dimensions are very desirable, they can depend on and the very life of the bird family.

Below are some drawings of the most simple birdhouses:

Prepare in advance a line with a pencil, hacksaw on wood, screwdriver, hammer, screws and a drill. The dimensions in the selected drawing of a cut Board and proceed to the Assembly of the birdhouse (in this photo, the birdhouse notches rectangular shape).

For the mounting of our construction pre-drilled with a thin drill the holes for the screws.

Fasten the wall between the screws. In the work, you can use nails, but you have to look carefully for some of them accidentally came out. Remember what the miniature guests must settle in our house.

The perch below the hole can be made of pine sticks and then tightly into the prepared opening. Perch may be in the form of triangular shelves. Perch is especially needed when the house is attached to the post. You are the head of the family a place to sit with food for the younger generation in its beak. It is needed, and to a song to sing at the entrance to your house. Make a perch with a diameter of 10 mm and length 40 mm.

The notches make the round or rectangular shape. Remember that its diameter must be 50 mm. Drilled notches with a drill or cut with a jig saw.

Unlike interior walls, the edges of the hole carefully sanded. Known cases when starlings complained about the poor performance of the owners of the site and required to remedy defects. This primarily concerned the size of the hole and its edges raw. This is not a joke.

Notches must be placed so that cats are unable from the roof of the birdhouse to reach nestlings (see dimensions).

It is important! Fixed roof uncomfortable for the annual cleaning of the birdhouse. And to do it every spring before the arrival of the birds, otherwise you get «disposable» birdhouse. To make the roof removable simply. Below it is attached to the grommet corresponding to the size of the bottom of the house. Sleeve should fit snugly to the wall and enter the hole that they form, with some force, then the cap will hold well. For reliability, you can tie the cover to the house wire. In this case, the wind will carry it, and the cat will not be able to remove. And cats and crows will be to your birdhouse attention. The roof easier to do single. It definitely won’t leak (in contrast to a gable). Make the roof with a slight slope back.

The last stage of our work – mount the finished house to the tree. Conveniently in advance with screws to attach to the back wall of the birdhouse long bar and then the bar to nail, or fasten with screws to the tree. For reliability fasten the house and even wire. The height is about 4 meters, in the shade, no direct sunlight, next there should be branches.

The finished birdhouse outside you can pre-decorate. Contrary to popular belief, painted the house the birds will not deter, but your site it will make. However, be prepared that the starlings from a new home to be occupied will not, necessarily will take some time. And it may take more than one month.

Birdhouses of unusual materials ↑

The birdhouse can be made not only from boards, but from a totally unexpected materials.

Birdhouse out of cardboard ↑

Cardboard in our view, poorly associate with the building material for the construction of the home. However, as experience shows, with the urgent task of construction of the birdhouse in operation for at least one season, the cardboard may well deal with. Only it is necessary to use not the usual and ordinary cardboard (he’s under the influence of precipitation quickly melted), and the thick corrugated cardboard.

In addition to corrugated Board, we will need a paper with a self-adhesive coating, rope, pencil and starch. And, of course, tool: scissors, ruler, square, knife and compass.

We need to cut out cardboard all the elements to build the house (roof, walls, bottom), just double the quantity. Starch needed to prepare the paste. The paste is a natural smell and, unlike synthetic glue, it will not scare off birds and to instill in them the idea that they choose to stay dysfunctional from the point of view of ecology housing.

Every pair of parts is glued together with paste, due to this, they acquire greater strength. The only problem is the lack of ventilation in the house. Cut a hole under the notches in the front wall. The perch in this design we can do only here to stay it will not be very steady. In the rear we need the four holes, in which we skip the rope. A long rope or string can be replaced by a wire. We need them in order to tie our house to a tree.

Wall sizing butt, keeping the right angle.

We should get this here box:

While the paste has dried, wrap the box thread. So he will not lose shape. After drying of the paste thread is no longer needed.

The roof of a house sticking out of two parts. The design will be somewhat like the roof of a wooden house with a bushing, which we tacked to make the roof removable. When making a house out of cardboard smaller part of the roof needs to be inside the structure, and big allowances on all sides forms a kind of overhangs that protect the house.

Paste house laminated paper. It adds all of the design density and at the same time will serve as decorative elements.

And that is good because the house turned out?

House out of the box ↑

Sudden (albeit temporary) solution would be to empty the container under the juice or milk. Ready-to-use containers will allow even faster to solve unexpectedly fallen on our heads problems. Rather, the problem arrived.

Quickly free the tank from the contents, wash and dry. While the container dries after washing, prepare the wire, scissors and an awl. The front wall is cut regular notches. In the top of the box pierce holes for wire – our makeshift hut will be on it to hang. The bottom of the need to strengthen the cardboard or corrugated cardboard, which is secured to the bottom of the container.

Left to decorate our house laminated paper or paper for crafts with a protective layer. Hang the house in a suitable place, waiting for the melodious guests and tell the neighbors that it is the fashionable design of house that you personally found in Belgian society, those who like to build birdhouses.

Dwelling with panoramic Windows from the bottle ↑

We’ve learned that empty plastic bottles are used as feeders for birds. Cut a hole in the bottom of the bottle, which is filled with food, and the bottle is suspended. On the same principle you can make from a plastic bottle and a bird house. In this case, the hole is cut out notches where it is supposed to be at the top of this unusual building material. The cover bore a couple of holes for wire, with which the house will be hung on the tree. To the family of starlings do not like the show «Behind the glass», the bottle can be papered with beautiful paper, or apply a decorative pattern. Although the starlings, judging by the observations, «transparent» the walls of his home are easy enough.

As you can see, the construction of housing for starlings – a simple affair. It is very exciting. As well as useful for the education of their own offspring. Join us! But not as in stupid is about the sausage. It’s really a good thing – birdhouses tinkering with their hands.

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