Features device water country of the country house from the well

We all so appreciate the comfort that even equipping a country house, try to surround yourself with comfort. Water is one of the key roles in the creation of comfortable conditions for living. If the owners of the houses, which carried out the centralized water supply, care for the development of the system is practically solved, for owners who plan to conduct independent water supply in their yard, all the chores fall on their shoulders. Water country house from the well is one of the easiest and affordable means of furnishing an Autonomous system of water supply.

The contents

The advantages of well water

Planning a water garden from a well, consider that the organization of system of water supply can only be used properly arranged source. What will be the hydraulic structure depends on the owner. But its walls must be protected from ground collapses, and therefore made of masonry, concrete rings or wooden frame.

The most simple arrangement of the well using concrete rings, which prevent not only the collapse of the soil and the runoff of surface waters

Well water supply involves the extraction of water through pumping equipment and the subsequent distribution to the plot and the house. In comparison with other variants of arrangement of the water supply system, well water has a number of advantages:

  • Easy installation. Landlord owning at least a basic knowledge and skills construction to dig out and build the source will be able. While it is not necessary to obtain official permission to dig a hole.
  • Low cost. For the construction of the well, in comparison with the same bore, do not require significant material costs: enough to buy a water pump and pipeline. Provide water source is dug more than a dozen years, and completely free.
  • Free access to water. In the event of a power outage to get water from the well is always possible, armed with a rope and bucket.

But the main advantage of standalone water villas from the well is the opportunity to arrange his own hands. In principle, the idea of installing such a system of water supply is not new and has been repeatedly tested in practice. But the project with the development of the power supply from the well, as well as selection and installation of pumping equipment is better still left to the professionals. This will help to prevent the emergence of problems in the operation of the system, due to errors made at the stage of design.

However, it should be noted that due to the close deposition to the earth’s surface well water quite often contains a large amount of impurities. Such water can only be used for watering the garden and the needs of a technical nature.

To purify water with large amount of impurities to use it for food the easiest way by installing a filtration system

Planning to use water for drinking, you need to provide for the installation of the filtration system. In addition, the well must be cleaned no less than once a year.

The choice of pump and pipes for water supply

To arrange private home water from the well is impossible without a pump, which pumps the water from the source and connected to a pipeline delivers it to the house. Therefore, when choosing a model should take into account the capacity of the unit, which should be sufficient to maintain the water pressure is about 1.5 atmospheres over the entire system of pipes laid from the well to the house. Conventional submersible pumps can pump water from depths of 9 to 40 meters. If the well is placed at a considerable distance from home, it is advisable to install a more powerful self-priming centrifugal pump, which can pump water from depths of 45 meters.

Choosing a pump, you need to start from the fact that the performance of the unit must exceed the maximum water consumption in the period of greatest consumption. On average «stock» performance should be about 30 %. For example: for a country cottage in which he lives family of 4, it is sufficient to set the pump capacity 3-4 cu. m/hour. It will be enough not only to ensure the operation of home appliances, but also for watering the garden the infield.

If the depth of the well, which is supposed to equip Autonomous water supply, does not exceed 10 meters, it is best to install a small pump station is equipped with automation system and accumulator

Pump system is good because it allows to increase service life of the pump. It works at full capacity when pumps out water from the well to the pressure tank then pushes the required amount of liquid in the water supply system that leads to the house.

For arrangement of water supply on a country site it is possible to use pipes of steel, copper or plastic. The latter variant is more preferable, because the polymer material is quite easy to bend, which greatly simplifies its installation when laying the track. He is not subject to corrosion.

Technological development of such a system

Technology device well water involves several steps:

  • The development or selection of ready-made power supply;
  • Trenching for installation of the caissons and constructing the pipeline;
  • Installation of pumping equipment;
  • Installation of the treatment system;
  • The laying of the pipeline from source to home;
  • Installation and connection of equipment in the house.

Before you install the pumping equipment should take care of the wiring system of water flow inside the house.

On the final scheme should be clearly shown: a source water intake and water pump with control unit, water tank and pipeline

For the arrangement of Autonomous water supply from the well to the house, dig a trench the depth must be below the level of soil freezing (an average of at least 30 cm). To prevent corrosion changes the surface of the metal pipe is desirable to cover a special protective structure.

On the bottom of the trench is placed a pipe, the end of which is withdrawn through the hole in the manhole ring and lowered into the water, not bringing 35-40 cm to the bottom of the well. The pipe must be placed under a slope of 0.15 m every meter of length of the product. The end of a pipe equipped with a strainer that protects the suction aperture from the ingress of impurities, thus ensuring the smooth operation of the pump.

Accumulator fitted to a height of at least 1.5 meters from floor level, most often in the attic or the roof. With this placement in the event of a power outage will ensure the water pressure at which the gravity will continue to arrive at the faucet.

Closed and dry – the best conditions for the placement of pumping equipment, which allows to extend the service life of the water supply system

Self pumping equipment is best placed in a closed room, where the temperature even in the cold season does not fall below +2°C. the best option in the back of the house.

In case of malfunctions in the system of the well to prevent drain water from the highway to the house it is necessary to provide a check valve which is mounted in front of the pump. For automatic shutdown of the pump it is desirable to establish electric contact pressure gauge.

After installation of all basic and additional elements of the system, check internal wiring to points of consumption, and only after that connect the pumping station to the dashboard.

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