Layout of vegetable garden and fruit garden: from the drawing to the planting of crops in examples

The rare owner of a house prefers not to plant on a plot of fruit trees. Fruit garden usually want to have each spring the trees are pleasing to the beautiful blooms and fragrance, and the fruits and berries from your own garden always seem much tastier than store-bought or in the market, besides you know it’s eco-friendly products. In the art of Feng Shui the image of a blossoming of the orchard is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. The layout of the garden is important, how correctly you plant trees will depend on their growth and ability to bear fruit, so this task should be treated with great attention.

The contents

If you want to grow in my garden also and vegetables, the layout of the garden should be considered together. Place for raised beds is better to withdraw South of the border, from North to South, so better for crops growing in the middle lane. Some gardeners recommend placing the beds from East to West. For vegetable and strawberry (strawberry) the beds are fruit bushes – currants, gooseberries. For shrubs planted trees, berry shrubs light shade from trees does not hurt, and vegetable beds need to be in the sun.

Example of design of vegetable beds — they do not have to be square or rectangular, reminiscent of the original garden beds

What you need to know before you start planning?

Before you start planning the garden, you need to take into account the following important factors:

  • What size square may be allocated under orchard. For trees with spreading crowns required distance from 4 sq. m.
  • The terrain. For the fruit garden ideal would be flat terrain or gentle slope, in depressions delayed the cold air, excessive moisture, these sites are unfavorable for fruit trees.
  • Soil analysis of your site. Fruit crops strong root system, the soil should be fertile, to provide her with good food. Rocky, clay, sandy soil for a garden is not good. Negatively affects the growth of trees and the proximity of groundwater.
  • The presence of heat and light. For most fruit trees it is important that light and heat was plenty in the shade they are much worse grow and produce fruit. It is true for areas with constant strong winds – the wind prevents normal pollination, dry ground, often injures the crop and break tree branches. From the winds may partly protect high fence or greenery.

Planning starts with diagrams on paper. If your site already has a house on it and need to start planning. On the paper is applied at the scale of the scheme area, the contours of the house and other buildings, and also places where there are already trees.

This site protected from the wind planted around the trees that have grown enough to provide protection

If the site has not yet built up, the scheme is applied to the site to build a house. The layout of the garden plot suggests the presence of a front garden. The house needs to get out of the street facade, in front of him is a strip of land for a garden. Its size depends on the size of the plot – someone is just five feet, someone- 6-8 meters. In a small garden is usually planted flowers, raspberries and berry bushes, big ornamental trees, flowers or more fruit trees at the discretion of the owners.

Large fruit trees – Apple trees, pears, take place in the North-Eastern side of the site, between them and fruit and berry bushes – a place for smaller trees – cherries, plums.

An example of the layout of the garden — the plot is divided into two parts. First — the house is surrounded by garden and the vegetable patch, the second half is an orchard with trees planted in rows

In General, it will be convenient to draw a site plan, to apply all existing buildings, the estimated location of the garden. On the site need to do the layout of the pits for planting trees. Try to plant trees in the distance, to the growth of she did not shade each other. Closely growing bushes and trees in the garden do not grow, in addition, creates conditions for diseases of horticultural crops. On fruit trees root system is powerful, it must develop freely.

Council. If your plot is overgrown with wild shrubs, there are tree stumps that need uprooting, do the necessary work and burn woody debris. The ashes collect in a dry place, it will be useful when creating a fertile seedbed.

Usually, the layout of an orchard involves planting of the trees so that they do not shade neighboring plots, but there are cases when a tree grows near the fence, providing fruits and owners, and neighbors, with no one there claims.

Today it is fashionable to give your beds the original form, for example, vegetable pizza. The highlight is that from round beds in the center of the rays and the rest as slices of pizza, forming a circle

The boundaries are usually planted raspberries, blackberries or berry bushes that produce fruit and good for shading.

Landscape and regular layout

The following are examples of the planning of the garden for lovers of order and clarity and for those who like when the plants in the orchard are planted also on the scheme, but create the impression of natural areas.

Landscape design involves the arrangement of trees and other crops in a free manner, close to nature. In this garden, except for fruit crops, widely used and decorative.

Example free garden plan — vegetable beds to the left and at the top of fruit trees planted in groups in the center and right

The regular layout of trees and shrubs, and vegetables in the garden, set down strict rows at the same distance. Scheme landing also has a strict geometric shape – square plots, length and width almost equal, and the rectangle areas, the length of which exceeds the width.

An example of a regular garden plan from the garden — a clear geometry, the plot is divided into regular squares, rectangles, plants planted in rows

Where some cultures it is better to plant?

Trees and shrubs that grow well and produce fruit in your latitudes. For the middle band is pears, apples (preferably to plant several trees of different varieties), different varieties of plums and cherry-plum, cherry. In the warmer latitudes will ripen cherries and apricots. Berry bushes – all varieties of currant, gooseberry, BlackBerry, raspberry. When a small area of shrubs area conveniently positioned on the perimeter.

If you plant some Apple trees, among which are summer, autumn and winter apples, the fruits will delight you at different times of the year

An example of an interesting plan of the garden — from the square of the plates in the center of the divergent paths between the beds, each of beds planted with different crops. It is convenient to approach to any of them

In the vegetable beds next need to plant culture, growing well in close proximity to each other:

  • cabbage, cucumbers, peas;
  • cabbage, dill, potatoes, onions, lettuce, celery;
  • tomatoes, peas, carrots;
  • horseradish, potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage.

When you draw the diagram, decide what plants to plant and in what quantity, can start the layout of the garden on the ground, to buy seedlings and prepare the soil.

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