Coating materials

Primer GF-021 specifications

The primer is the basis for all finishing works. It allows to prepare the surface for further processing, strengthening it, improving grip, reducing the consumption of materials and preventing destructive processes. For these tasks we use the most popular form of this coating — primer GF-021.

Primer GF-021 specifications

The technical characteristics and purpose ↑

Primer GF-021 is used for the protective painting of different surfaces. It is designed for metal and wood, allowing you to protect the material from destruction, environmental exposure, corrosion, various microorganisms, and the like. The surface is covered with a thin protective layer, completely isolating it from any impact.

The use of this framework allows you to extend the life of coatings and reduce their consumption. It increases the adhesion of the surface and can cause the enamel on the prepared base, ensuring the reliability of adhesion.

Primer available in two colours — red-brown and light grey. The shade can vary depending on the composition and characteristics of production. The surface after the coating is uniform, smooth and matte.

It is important! The surface may have a semi-gloss look. It depends on the conditions of application and the nature of the coating.

Main technical characteristics primer GF-021:

  • Viscosity by viscometer: 45.
  • Mass fraction of nonvolatile substances: 54-60%.
  • Degree of grinding: no more than 40 µm.
  • The time of drying to 3 degree: 12 hours at 20 °C.
  • Flexural strength: not more than 1 mm.
  • Film adhesion: not more than 1 score.
  • Density: 1,25-1,3 kg/l.
  • Shelf life: 2 years.

The specifications fully meet the specified, but are saved only with proper substance storage. Such storage is called content in closed original container. The place where the containers should have an average humidity level and not be exposed to direct sunlight. The product is stable to freezing temperatures and can tolerate even -20 °C.

The primer carries the grinding, under normal storage forms a smooth surface without exfoliation. It should be used when spraying paint on it.

Features and benefits ↑

Primer GF-021 specifications

Primer GF-021 is a suspension, combining mineral and a stabilizing agent, alkyd varnish, drier, pigments and filler. The primer contains a large proportion of the active ingredients, so sometimes it must be diluted.

This grade represents excellent corrosion resistant material having high adhesion to wood, metal and similar materials. Technical characteristics allow to apply it for internal and external works, because it tolerates a huge temperature and climatic variations.

Among the main advantages of primer GF-021 marked:

  • Reliable corrosion protection
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations
  • High speed drying
  • A high degree of protection from greases, mineral oils, cleaning agents and other aggressive substances
  • Compatible with many paint coatings

Therefore, the mixture can be used for many tasks. It is suitable as a standalone coating, because of its characteristics and appearance are not inferior to conventional coatings.

The Council! The primer responds well to polishing, which allows to eliminate surface defects and improve adhesion.

GOST primer GF-021 ↑

Technical features and benefits of this primer correspond to reality only when she produced accordingly to GOST. Such products are marked with the appropriate certificates and additional documents. Among them:

  • The certificate of conformity
  • Quality passport
  • Hygiene certificate

These documents prove the high quality of the product that he produced, accordingly, the stated formula and technology.

Primer GF-021 specifications

For the primer GF-021, there is a corresponding GOST 25129. Products it has been produced in the Zebra, autotrade, Tex, Lakra, Unisil and others. A characteristic difference corresponding to the GOST, is a red-brown substance. The same shade is not standardized and depends on the conditions of production.

It is important! The market has a primer grey and white. It’s not always fake, such products are produced depending on the technical conditions.

A characteristic feature of GOST is that the primer is prepared on alkyd resins. As this chemical is expensive, fakes are used in the petroleum varnish. The adhesion becomes significantly worse with regard to and anti-corrosion properties.

Surface application ↑

The primer on the surface consists of several stages. Among them, substrate preparation, primer, direct application of the substance and its drying. From all stages is equally dependent on the final result.

  1. Surface preparation. It is to clean material of rust, dirt, oily substances and moisture. The degree of purification directly affects the degree of adhesion. When working with old wood is to remove the top layer if it is in poor condition.
  2. Prep primer. Is mixing and dilution (if necessary). Before application it should be homogeneous and not contain extraneous matter.
  3. Application of the substance. On a clean and degreased surface pre-applied primer. You can use a roller, a brush and other tools, including mechanical. Apply primer evenly in a thin layer (not more than 25 microns). It is recommended to apply second coat after drying the first.
  4. Drying. The surface was dried for approximately a day. While working with her is forbidden, it is necessary to limit temperature fluctuations.

Eventually the surface becomes matte or semi-gloss. It can be varnish or paint, but often the primer used as the base layer. If the next coating, prepare the surface by sanding with emery paper 600 or 800 grit.

This substance is easily ignited by contact with fire or heat, so you should prevent this. Drying should not be carried out at temperatures below 5 °C, it damage the surface and lead to fast flaking of the coating.

It is important! The primer has an unpleasant smell and harmful for the skin. Therefore, work should be carried out in well ventilated areas and with appropriate work form.

Consumption per square meter ↑

When applying the primer, an important parameter is the flow rate of the substance per 1 square meter. It is a necessary indicator in the purchase of materials to consider. When the thickness of the layer up to 25 microns flow rate of 1 square meter 60-100 grams. But the purchase must take into account the following points:

  1. On the surface there are two layers of the substance.
  2. The substance may be diluted with solvents.
  3. Rate increases depending on the material.

Therefore, the primer should take stock, that will prevent extra trips to the hardware store. It comes in industrial and retail packaging, including conventional banks 0.9 and 2.8 kg, and capacity of 25, 50 and 250 kg. For the full construction is to take industrial packaging, because it is cheaper at calculation on 1 kg of the life of the primer is quite high, so for her safety not to worry.

Primer GF-021 specifications

It is important! If the surface has cracks or holes, you should choose another primer instead of applying several layers of.

Dilution of the primer ↑

Before using a substance is mixed, and sometimes dilute it with special substance. The solvent suitable for this purpose, does not reduce the characteristics of the coating, but reduces its density is for convenience when applying. To do this, use:

  1. Turpentine
  2. Solvent
  3. White Spirit
  4. Xylene

The degree of dilution must match the viscosity, but the proportion of solvent should not exceed 25% of the total weight.

The Council! If the work is carried out in an electric field, the substance is diluted with solvent re-3C and re-4C depending on conditions.

Primer GF-021 is a universal coating for various materials. It allows to improve the adhesion of the surface and protect it from ambient conditions. It is excellent for wood and metal, and its surface is often used as the main cover. It is the best material for this task, which is applied universally.

But for a more detailed briefing will suit the following video, which shows the primer with a roller and a special gun:

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