
How to apply plaster on the wall

In the technique of applying plaster to wall no special tricks or tricks, but the performer will need accuracy, even pedantry. If you have ever enter the apartment a fresh built house without finishing, probably the first that was evident – rough plaster walls with numerous gray spots and lightly lined the corners of rooms. If the apartment was decorated by builders without any finishing operations, virtually all preparatory works at the finish had to restore and remake their hands.

How to apply plaster on the wall

As plaster is applied in new apartments. ↑

Most often, the builders plastered the room with one main layer of plaster with the preliminary alignment of the plane of the walls. For construction companies is the most viable option. One shot knock two birds with one stone:

  • First, the reception conditions of housing walls should be plastered under the finishing work. Traces of gypsum finishing finishing no. About what exactly should be the surface finish or pre-finish, usually the terms are silent. Plaster is – it means that the conditions of reception of apartments by the Commission is made;
  • Second, applying a layer of «rough» plaster easily hides all the flaws and the curvature of the masonry internal partitions, the use of defective bricks, halves and stones of different dimensions.
The Council! Visually on a previously plastered wall is difficult to see all of the problems of applying the plaster, take the time to pull the usual mm nylon fishing line along the wall at the bottom, in the middle part and in the upper.

Even such a primitive way of testing will help to identify locations of failures or defects tool, curves of the angles and not aligned layers of the plaster layer on the wall. Then trick – or row, and to require alteration of the walls, or reluctantly to take the tool and to repair the walls on their own.

How to apply plaster on the wall ↑

The main problem of applying plaster on walls in apartment construction is the fragmentation of the process. Masters take the work of several apartments at the same time and consistently make the application of primer or plaster scratch coat on the wall, as the availability of surface of brick masonry walls. The time required for priming all the rooms, the preliminary layer of plaster dries, and, completing the first layer, you can go back to the beginning of the plot for drawing the main mass of plaster.

Often, not enough time, and more thorough work is done in those rooms or on walls that are most conspicuous in these places can even use plaster for finishing works. The rest of the place walls, especially in corners, at best uneven can make a tool to eliminate burrs and surface roughness.

Technology applying plaster on a wall of fresh brickwork provides:

  • Training wall – a measurement using a level, line and plumb geometry, the definition of failures and the curvature of the walls, the clarification of the places for applying the leveling layer of plaster;
  • Jointing of masonry, if necessary deepening of the sutures and removal of excess solution, applying with a hammer on the surface of the wall grid of small grooves;
  • Installation on the wall of the landmarks-lighthouses and uprights to align the thickness and geometry of the layer of plaster;
    How to apply plaster on the wall
  • Wetting the wall with water or very liquid solution for improving adhesion, is particularly important for concrete walls;
  • Layering of plaster, alignment layer on the wall side racks or tight line;
  • After drying the soil perform the application of the bulk solution and the alignment layer on landmarks and building level;
  • Finish plaster or special finishing compounds.

Often builders when applying the plaster throw from the list a couple of points to speed, mortar plaster mass use the same composition for all variants of plastering work.

The Council! If you have reason to believe that in a future apartment, the plaster is applied with a violation – it is better to abandon the plastering and to stipulate it in the reception conditions of housing.

In any case, it will be cheaper than to knock down the sprayed solution on the walls and eliminate problem areas by applying a new coat.

Given wall in order ↑

If the reasons in your apartment builders already applied a layer of plaster, and will cause the wall in order, you can try to apply a leveling layer of plaster with their hands.

How to apply plaster on the wall

Tools for working with plaster ↑

For work we need:

  • An open tank or container volume of not less than 20литров;
  • A wide (20-30cm) spatula, trowel, rule, and a pair of wooden graters of various lengths, used for wet troweling the plaster surface;
  • construction level and plumb with a dozen plugs, meters 50-70 mm thick scaffold;
  • A power drill with a mixing attachment for solution.

If the wall there are areas of chipped or loose plaster, can be useful still and the Falcon is a small Board with a handle, which gain a few pounds plaster mass and use it when smearing with a spatula cracking and chipping, about how the artist palette. When applying finish easier and faster to take a plaster tool plaster hawk in small portions, than to bow a hundred times to high capacity.

How to apply plaster on the wall

Materials ↑

Depending on the readiness of the plastered walls you need to purchase the preliminary and final dry mixture. As a finishing weight you can use plaster finishing putty.

Before you build a solution for the application of pre-finishing, read the instructions and recommended proportions make a batch per Cup of dry mix. After adding water and intensive mixing, you get 70-100ml of plaster mass. Practice to apply plaster in an inconspicuous place. So you get an idea of how much of the solution can be obtained from a unit volume of dry mix, and how fast-drying the solution. For gypsum compositions, it is important.

How to apply plaster on the wall

To mix plaster compositions should only be using a special tool. Hands mix containing gypsum mixture to the required degree of homogeneity is extremely difficult and time-consuming.

Technology of restoration of the walls «curve» plaster ↑

Before applying the plaster, you need a sharpened rod or a screwdriver to do the shading on the surface, where it is assumed applying the plaster. At the edges of the wall pull vertical and horizontal threads of fishing line. Vertical horizontal approximately twice, the last at the rate of one line every 40-50 cm in height.

How to apply plaster on the wall

The most difficult step in such work is to correctly align and tighten the line. Strung strands form an imaginary plane, which will need to focus when applying the plaster. More understandable professional techniques of applying plaster on the video, but in the end, everyone works as they see fit.

For applying the cement compositions of plaster, often used for alignment and compensation of failures of the wall, be sure to use reinforcing mesh materials or perforated panels. After applying a certain number of mortar sand-cement mixture will be kept at the expense of forces of surface tension.

Sketched with a small margin to place on the wall, it is necessary to smooth the plaster with a tool like this is easier to do, it is clear from the video. The formed layer of the level on level the woods and spread a layer of plaster tool – a trowel or lute.

How to apply plaster on the wall

Working tool it is necessary without rushing, but not delaying the process, the whole batch is recommended to work out within an hour and a half time. After leveling the wall superimposed patches let dry and proceed to finishing operations.

Before trowelling the surface of the wall needs to dry out and gain a little strength. If the outer layer is dry, moisturize it by spraying, the surface of a wooden trowel dipped in the glue solution. Thin acrylic or polymer film hardens the surface of the plaster and prevents it from deforming under its own weight.

How to apply plaster on the wall

The task of finishing to get an even and smooth layer. It is best to use a mixture of plaster with addition of glue PVA or similar water soluble material. Maximum layer finishing does not exceed three millimeters.

Conclusion ↑

After removing the surface according to the established guidelines of the correctness and consistency of the wall plane it is necessary to check the building level horizontal and vertical. If in the process revealed the extra millimeters of the applied material – they can be gently removed with a spatula, re-take the grater.

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