Selection of plants for the Alpine slide: examples of varieties + rules decor

Rocky garden, decorated with a flower garden is a fairly common element of many gardens. Decorative appeal and easy care rock garden was the reason of such popularity of this element of landscape design. Rock plants for the Alpine slide is always visually enliven the stone composition, while maintaining the effect of a natural mountain landscape.

The contents

The basic rules of selection of plants

To create a stone composition, which will be a spectacular decoration for a suburban area, is not difficult. To do this, when selecting plants for «rocky garden» must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Creating a composition, preference should be given to compact and dwarf forms of plants, which correspond to the proportional size of the slides.
  • The choice of plants should be tailored to their resistance to terrain conditions: soil characteristics, climate.
  • When choosing a place under rooting, it is important to consider the relationship of plants to sunlight: solar cells, to light of flora, shaded for shade.
  • The intensity of the growth and tillering of individual species – an important point, a defect which can lead to death «neighbors» rapidly accumulating mass of plants.
  • Creating compositions is important to consider the characteristics of each of the vegetable inhabitants of the rock garden in order to avoid «adverse neighborhood». For example: a very attractive and low maintenance cerastium, soapwort, rezucha and orietta badly affect their «neighbors».
  • Seating plant, it is desirable to take into account their «common interests» they have to combined with each other not only in appearance, but the similarity conditions for the cultivation, growth and development, as well as the blossoming.

Selecting perennial flowers for landscaping, Alpine slides, should focus not only on the location of rock garden on the site, but also on the overall style of the composition

The most spectacular combination give combination of herbaceous perennials with a shrub and tree forms, colourful rugs flowering creeping species and lush evergreen touches and dekorativnolistvennyh types

Examples of ornamental varieties

Perfect plants for «rocky garden» are slow growing woody and low-growing plants. Conifers for the Alpine slide ensure a high decorative compositions throughout the year.

Miniature stone compositions look great prostrate and dwarf forms of coniferous plants: miniature spruce canadian «Conica», black pine «Nana», juniper scaly «Blue Carpet», thuja occidentalis «Danica»

Combining in one composition conifers with different crown shape and color of the needles, can greatly enhance the picturesque effect.

Among deciduous shrubs for the Alpine slide the clear favorites are ornamental barberry, cotoneaster, Japan quince, spirea

It is hard to imagine a rock garden without flowers. Flowering perennials for the rockery can give any garden a unique style and uniqueness. When creating the choice of compositions is not limited to plants characteristic of Alpine areas. In «rocky garden» appropriate will look and the flora, main habitats which are forests and the sea coast.

Decoration rock garden can become: Arends saxifrage, Phlox subulate, herbaceous Eric, Edelweiss, Alpine, gerbil Balearic, evergreen iberis, Campanula Carpathian and many others.

Prepare the rock garden, taking into account parusnosti composition

The top of the Alpine slide

The upper tier «rocky garden» planted, as a rule, drought-tolerant and sun-loving plants, as this segment is most open to the sunlight, but moisture in the soil layer is practically not delayed. At the time of top songs used groundcover.

Decoration at the top can become perennial Dianthus and iberis evergreen

Fluffy carpet of iberis will cover the top of snow-white flowers in may-June, podoscirtinae bushes carnations will please abundant flowering and pleasant aroma throughout the summer

Sun-loving Edelweiss, growing on the slopes of towering mountains can become the main decoration of the rock garden and lush purple mats of creeping thyme will attract honey aroma of flowers many bees and butterflies

The middle tier of stone composition

Decorate the middle part of the rocky hills can plants prefer Sunny areas, but it is easily tolerate light shading. Average higher soil moisture. This gives you the opportunity to expand the range of plants to design water-loving beauties.

In the days of may will sparkle with riotous color pink, blue and white shades of Phlox subulate. A spectacular backdrop for Phlox can be a woolly betony with a nice touch of silvery hairy leaves

Noble silvery shades are also anaphalis treningowy and wormwood Schmidt.

Brietta is a versatile plant for landscaping because in addition to the gorgeous flowering in the summer months, it has decorative foliage, richness of color and appeal which lasts throughout the year.

In late may, the baton will blossom the beauty of orietta cultural, delighting the eye with lush streams of pale pink, deep crimson and dark purple flowers

Well-suited for middle-tier and low maintenance shrub sunflower monetary. Sun tier can accommodate all kinds of sedums, which are formed in a pretty podoscirtinae bushes, adorned in the summer months, tiny star-flowers

If you choose among the color names for the Alpine slide, comfortable feeling in our latitudes, the slopes of the hill can decorate all sorts of bulbs, a variety of plant, dense clumps of Armeria municipality, gentle Alpine Aster, primrose primrose, perfect for autumn Crocus.

The foot of the rock garden

At the foot of the planted plants that like to grow on rich soil and wetland soils are not afraid of shading.

Color accents the foot of the composition can be placed in the compact clumps of saxifrage and spicate flowers liatris

The lower level also had to accommodate the tree and shrubs. Often this part of the slides are placed group planting miniature dwarf conifers, rhododendrons.

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