How to plant a hedge of hawthorn

Bright hedge of hawthorn used in modern landscape design because of the strength and multi-stemmed appearance. This plant is deciduous honey plant, its maximum height reaches 6-8 meters.

Features of hawthorn ↑

A hedge of hawthorn (pictured) begins to bear fruit after 6-7 years after planting, the fruits are used in cooking and in alternative medicine.

Saplings of hawthorn for hedges we have at the moment, more than 1200 species, and 15 of them are exactly suitable for growing in difficult climatic conditions. The main advantage of this fence is the presence of numerous spines. Durable and long spikes is a great way to protect the area from animals and unwelcome visitors.

During the season of growth, plants have soft spines after leaf fall, they turn into solid spikes.

A hedge of hawthorn, made by hand, do not require special care. Hawthorn is available in the price range of even the cottagers, with an average level of income:

  • hawthorn watered 1-2 times per month in the average rainfall for the summer or 3-4 times in the dry season;
  • if desired, you can cut this shrub, to give it some form.
Attention! Optimum height of the fence formed of shrub of 3-5 meters. There is a species of hawthorn that reach 7-8 meters in height.

Selection of varieties for the organization hedges ↑

A hedge formed of hawthorn, pyramidal crown shape. Species with a weeping form of plants suitable for individual landscape elements.

The main varieties of hawthorn for hedges:

  • hawthorn prickly – Bush is a wild plant, with strong spikes and an oval crown. Leaf length 4-5 cm, they have 3-5 blades. The height of this shrub of 4-5 metres. Pink flowers have five petals, a purple fruit with yellow juicy flesh;
  • hawthorn blood – red is suitable for landscaping, resistant to temperature extremes. The Bush resembles a small tree with thorns. Flowering occurs in June, the fruit red, pulp mealy, there is a 3-5 seed. Abundant fruiting at 15 years of age;
  • Altai hawthorn reaches a height of 7-8 meters, the size of spines up to 2 cm leaf Shape triangular, flowers small, fruit a yellow-orange color. The shape of the leaves similar to the leaves of viburnum.

How to plant a hedge of hawthorn? ↑

To create a living fence take 3-5 year old plants, they have the maximum survival rate. Dig a trench 50 – 60 cm deep, 50 cm wide No need to make every tree a separate hole, more economical to put in a solid trench.

Before planting the Bush is immersed in the mixture of earth and clay. A weak solution of potassium permanganate introduced into the hole allows you to destroy germs.

The Council! Do not plant the bushes in a small hole, the plant will bend, it will be bad to grow and develop. Planting hawthorn is carried out together with the clod of earth.

The main stages of planting a hedge:

  • not zaglubljaja when planting the root collar of hawthorn deep into the soil, 2-3 cm is enough Otherwise, the growth will slow, beautiful hedges, you will not get;
  • after planting the ground is compacted, sprinkle the top layer of peat;
  • during landing it is desirable to remove old branches;
  • in order for the fence turned out beautiful and lush, and between the individual plants are 1-1. 5 meters. With increasing distances between the bushes, they will look like wild bushes;
  • hawthorn needs constant excessive watering during the formation of the root system. For such purposes, each plant make a hole, it will stay water after rain and watering.
The Council! If planting will occur after some time, the roots of the hawthorn wrapped in paper, and old shrubs need pruning from the roots at 40-50 cm.

Haircut a living fence ↑

2-3 years the plant is not cut. The formation of the Bush performed by parkowania immediately as the diameter of the shrub will reach 1.5-2 cm in the Autumn the trunk of the hawthorn are cut, leaving 20-25 cm from ground level. Buds are appearing on the trunk, forming multi-stemmed young tree. Throughout the season, the bushes trimmed, the plant itself develops. Watering growing hedges should be abundant (4-5 times during the summer season). Every year a decorative fence of hawthorn is in need of fertilization. Every tree you need to make 50-80 g, taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer mineral complex.

The first mowing hedges is performed a year after parkowania. For trimming you will need shears. Remove those spikes that appeared outside of the fence, ruining its aesthetic appearance.

Plan a line of future faces, gradually increasing section. Looks great crown is in the form of a trapezoid, slightly narrowed upwards. This form helps to keep the branches from below, the fence does not pass the sunlight.

Attention! The maximum survival rate possible with minimum time lapse between digging and planting for a future hedge.

Planting of hawthorn for hedges is a great choice for any garden area located in the middle latitudes. The hedges in addition to decorative functions, has practical value, it can help to reduce the amount of noise in the area, that is, to combine functionality and aesthetics. A similar shrub called the perfect shrub for hedges. Such fences is the business card of old England. This plant creates a well-groomed and neat fence, low maintenance. High and dense crown of this shrub, large spikes, you won’t miss people’s Pets.

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