How to choose a pump for watering the garden depending on the water source

To suburban garden has justified the suffering of their owners, who spend all summer in caring for the future harvest, it is necessary to establish a stable watering. However, in rainy years, the weather largely helps gardeners, but in the heat you have in the morning or evening to run around with watering cans, buckets below «drink» landing. And all because plots remained devoid of a Central water supply system, and we have to get out on their own. But still there is a way to alleviate flooding, freeing owners from the heavy buckets that later backfire pain in the spine. We just need to go to a store that sells pumps for watering the garden, and to find a suitable system.

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Where we take the water?

First of all, decide where you take the water for irrigation. From the point of view of plant water should be settled and warm. The same is not critical. The main thing – that there are no chemicals or other «poison». The best source is, of course, the rain water which is collected in barrels, basins and other utensils, placing it under the rain gutters. If in the country a dug well or a drilled well, the water take from there. However, vegetable plants do not like very much «a cold shower», which causes root decay but can first fill the water tank, and after it warming up under the sun and start watering.

Another good source is the home of the pond, pool or pond. Each water must be periodically updated, so vacationers get a double benefit: it will water the garden and clean the water feature. However, the pools will be useful only if you are used for cleaning and disinfection chemicals. Some gardeners who are lucky enough to have land near a natural waterbody (river, lake), carry water from there. On the basis of some of these sources supplies you with the water, choose a watering pumps suburban areas.

Pick up the pump to water source

For gardening purposes, you can use four types of water pumps: barrel, surface, submersible and drainage.

Watering of containers: barrel pump

Easy to install and convenient to use is a barrel option. It was created specifically for pumping water from the storage tanks, the type of barrels, etc eurokubas.

The barrel pump can pump water from the tanks to a depth of 1.2 m.

The weight of such systems is not more than 4 kg, so it is possible to walk around the station, alternately setting on the container that were set up to collect precipitation. Most often, pump for watering from a barrel designed for a reservoir with a depth of 1.2 m. It is fixed to the edge of the vessel, include in the electrical network and begin watering. On the pump there is a pressure regulator with which you can set a larger or smaller head, a filter, check the trash, and hose.

A big plus of barrel pumps is considered low noise. If you choose this model, it is necessary to pay attention to how much capacity it is able to pump how much water per hour. The most reliable are the pumps with two-stage mechanisms. They have higher performance, and longer life. So gardeners who have a vegetable garden and flower garden allotted a large area, you should pay attention to a powerful system.

Lightweight barrel pump can be carried in any place of the site

Drum pumps comfortable and that the water can be diluted with all sorts of fertilizers and watering the garden ready solutions.

Surface pumps: «friends» with ponds and shallow wells

If the main source of water is natural or artificial pond, and a pond, pool or shallow well, you should buy surface pump. It is designed for pumping the water from depths up to 10 meters.

Surface pumps to reduce vibration put on rubberized mats

Is such a unit, usually on land, and the fix is using a special water intake hose which is lowered into the source. On the other hand connects the metal pipe. To use for output of liquid on the surface of rubber hose is not recommended because the unit pumps water by suction. From this inside of the hose can be formed the thin air. In the result, the walls will shrink, and will not allow water to flow normally to move up. Such systems are popular for easy installation: only need to put the unit on a flat, dry surface and connect the hoses. It is interesting that these pumps can give a powerful stream to the level 30-50 meters, so from one place you can water a large part of the beds.

The fly in the ointment! Surface units are very noisy, so they hide in the outhouse, to somehow get rid of «growl». You can also reduce noise by putting the system on a rubber Mat that suppresses vibration.

Submersible pump: to get water from the well

Submersible pumps garden to use infrequently, but if the country breached the well or in the well the water level is below 10 meters, it can not do without them. They are immersed below the water level in the source and on the surface of the liquid enters through a conventional hoses. An important indicator submersible systems speaker is the height to which they can lift water flow. If the well is shallow, then a simple model designed for 40 meters of height, a superb job of lifting the liquid. For great depths it is necessary to look for models that are able to push the jet at 80 meters.

Submersible pumps are difficult to install, so are rarely used in glazes

The disadvantages are the complexity of installation and maintenance that should be performed only by professionals, and the need to clean for the winter, if during this period the system will not be used. And dismantling also requires the invitation specialists. Submersible pumps come in two versions: vibratory and centrifugal. At vibration the price is lower, but they are afraid of falling in the mud. Centrifugal lift water at the expense of the blades and wheel with such force that dirty water does not frighten them. But their cost is higher at times.

Dirty pond or marsh: rushes to the aid of the drain pump

Drainage pumps are available with different objectives: they pump out flooded premises and cesspools. So no trash and debris they are not afraid. For irrigation of garden beds is fine system with macerator to pump the cold waste water. If the inside gets mud, leaves and other debris, the shredder will cut them into small pieces and will be given together with water into the garden. For very dirty natural reservoirs is the best option, because other models will be hammered large solid particles. By the way, grinding the silt and the fine residents of the reservoir, the pump will provide the ground for more natural fertilizer.

Drainage pumps suitable for gardeners who use water from reservoirs

Automatic pumps for irrigation with timers

The owners, who have no time to do hours and hours of watering, it makes sense to buy a pump for drip irrigation. Such systems equipped with pressure switch, manometer and accumulator. These mechanisms operate in established man automatically. For drip irrigation you need to set a minimum level of pressure and then the water will flow at a slow trickle. In such systems there are both manual and automatic control carried out by the timer.

The automatic system allows you to set the mode desired for drip irrigation

The choice of a particular version of the pump pay attention to what kind of water it was designed. Thus, the units for irrigation can only be used for wells, boreholes and tanks, because any debris will clog the system and quickly incapacitate. Other sources (reservoirs, pools, ponds, etc.) require drainage and sewage pump, depending on the degree of contamination of water.

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