How to make a trellis for cucumbers: master support improvised

Cucumbers, like all climbers, trying to be caressed by the sunlight, throwing their thin stems along the path of reliance, strive upwards. In the wild these pillars are close to the growing trees. When growing cucumbers as cultivated plants for ease of care and a rich harvest of constructing a trellis. How to make a trellis for cucumbers, with minimal effort and cost, and creating a reliable and durable design, take a closer look.

The contents

The advantages of trellis growing

Growing cucumbers on a trellis is much more productive than in the distance. This is because the vertical positioning culture can get rid of last year «deposits» dispute the infection in the soil. And even in contact with pathogenic spores of water on the lower leaves of the plant, they do not spread, dries quickly, along with dew drops.

Trellis — a structure consisting of a support and a stand on which is stretched a wire or harness for entanglement delicate stems of climbing plants

Under the arrangement of the support structures often use a ready-made vertical surfaces, building trellises, using the stretched wire near walls, pillars and fences.

Trellis can be used for growing cucumbers as open ground and in greenhouses. This setup has a lot of advantages, principal among which are:

  1. Saving land area. Bed, equipped with trellis for cucumbers, occupies a minimum of space, but can hold twice as many plants.
  2. Reducing the risk of disease culture. By eliminating contact of the stem and leaves of vines from the ground, the easiest way to prevent the defeat of the culture of the downy mildew and powdery mildew.
  3. The acceleration of the process of vegetation. In a well-ventilated crops is not so marked diurnal temperature difference. Due to the vertical farming plant receives more light and heat, which positively affects its development.
  4. The increase in harvest. As the experience of vegetable growers using trellis for growing cucumbers, with proper care from an area of just 5 square meters, you can collect up to 80 kg healthy TeleNav. Hanging from the whips vegetables are not deformed and are even, saturated color.
  5. Relief care culture. Criss-crossing rods, the plant is distributed evenly over the support. This greatly simplifies the handling of the stems and leaves of plants from pests, as well as feeding and watering.
  6. Collecting net yield. Due to the vertical placement of culture-ripened fruit does not touch the moist soil, thereby avoiding package.

And the harvest from the trellis takes a minimum of time and effort. Between vertically spaced supports for movement. Due to the uniform distribution of plants in the cradle when removing the fruits is the easiest way to prevent creases and damage to delicate stems.

With vertical farming culture there is no need to search through all the foliage in quest of fruit, given that growing season for stem can reach three metres

This method of growing comfortable and that when picking ripe fruit is less injured skin of hands from the finest needles small spines that are often present on the stems of cucumber.

Classical design tapestry

Support trellises for cucumber vines can have a variety of constructions:

  • rectangle;
  • square;
  • tables;
  • tent.

The function of struts design can perform the metal tube, wooden blocks or cement pillars. The mesh can be interwoven ropes hemp twine, metal wire, or special plastic.

Often gardeners, trying to minimize the cost of design manufacture, construct a trellis from stakes driven into the ground with metal stakes, between which stretched mesh PVC

Finished PVC mesh, which is sold in gardening centers on yardage, on the upper edge of the locking wire to the posts. The lower edge of the mesh dug into the ground, pressing made of stiff wire hooks.

This trellis as its canopy is able to make a shade vulnerable to sunlight shade-loving vegetable crops: beans, rhubarb, chard, arugula, leaf mustard

Beautifully decorated trellis for cucumbers will be a worthy decoration of the site, speaking with original decorative design element.

Methods of making the pillars with his hands

There are many ways to build a trellis for cucumbers with his hands. It all depends on the size allocated for their resettlement area and the selected material of manufacture.

Option #1 — wood trellis

For the construction of a wooden trellis will need only a couple of hours. Constructing it, when the seeds are already planted in soil, but first the seedlings have not yet appeared.

Before you start to make a trellis for cucumbers, you should decide what plan is the design.

Tapestry on wooden racks may look like a graceful ladder with rigid rungs or vertical translucent screens made of thin strips

In any case, note that the extreme tapestry rack should be stronger than the intermediate, as they will take on the load of the entire series. So, in the manufacture of trellis height of 2.7 m should be chosen for the arrangement of extreme struts bars cross-section 50 mm, and for intermediate – 35 mm.

For the manufacture of tapestries that will last more than one season, it is best to choose hardwoods, such as chestnut, oak, mulberry, ash. Not suitable for this purpose wood of poplar, maple or birch, as they are most prone to rot. To prolong the service life of wooden elements, before burying them in the ground, cover the blocks of 1-2 layers of varnish or antiseptic composition.

Not at least looks presentable trellis, the construction of the cells that the wooden slats replace a solid plaits, strung between the frame rails

Work is done in several stages:

  1. The installation of supporting pillars. The edges of the beds of the future drive support legs, placing them at a distance of 1.5-2 m. To obtain a firmly standing design, able to withstand its own load together with the harvest, the columns under the trellis digged to a depth of 60 mm.
  2. Fixing supports. To make the construction of the slightly inclined position of the regional anchor supports are installed at an angle of 70° relative to the surface of the earth. Anchor tilt mounts are necessary with wire braces, the free edges of which are taped to metal parts, buried in the ground at an angle of 90°.
  3. The construction of the frame. To the top edges of vertical posts with nails nailed to the horizontal crossbar. It will act as a frame over which is attached a sheathing made of thin slats.
  4. The implementation of the sheathing. Thin strips with a thickness of 30 mm bolted to the frame by screws in such a way as to obtain cell size of about 15 cm, the joints can in addition glue with waterproof glue.

Want the tapestry was not only functional load, but also acted as a decoration of the garden? Then implement its original arched design, cut that pattern is not difficult from the remnants of the tree. Arcs and segments design easy to connect, «planting» their glue and staples, and the very arch to attach to the support by means of bolted connection.

Cells can take the form of a rhombus or square, if desired, the crate easily «drown» in the frame, trim off the edges of the planks

In the manufacture of trellis nets to secure it to the frame comfortable to use staples to make the ordinary nails. On Reiki nailed a few nails, placing them at a distance of 40-60 cm If desired, the nails can be slightly bent, giving them the form of hooks. It remains only to each clip to snap the thick rope and pulling it parallel to the ground, the free end primatv to standing next to a support pillar.

On the same principle of pull and vertical threads. To create a grid with cells of vertical threads first, twist off the cross wire, and then the free ends bolted to stakes driven into the ground pegs.

Option #2 — metal structure

For the construction of this design will need to exert more effort, but it definitely will last for decades.

The rack of metal rods can be placed at a distance of 2-4 meters, but if the materials, the props still need to place thicker

To work need:

  • valve rods with a length of 180-200 cm;
  • thin pipe rail;
  • metal pegs;
  • arc welder;
  • garden auger and hammer;
  • steel wire.

In the place of installation of support stands using a garden drill doing the holes with a depth of 35-45 cm they put In a pre-cut metal rods. Installed in the holes the posts «drive» in the ground with a hammer. The remaining voids between the rods and the walls of the pits filled with earth and tamped tightly.

A vertical support interconnected, paving on the upper edge between the horizontal crossbar, the metal elements are joined by welding

To protect the structure from destruction by rust, all items should be cleaned and cover the rust inhibitor or oil paint.

Erecting a frame structure, is transferred to the arrangement of the fabric for oblecenie. You can use the steel wire, which is stretched between the crossbar and driven into the ground with metal pegs. They are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other on both sides of the beds.

To create the most robust design is to use wire with a minimum thickness of 2 mm. For creating a mesh wire arranged in several rows, pulling between the supports ranging from a height of 15-20 cm and at intervals of half a meter. The top row is desirable to run a thicker wire (d=3.5 mm) as it will carry most of the load.

Metal trellis is a fairly heavy design, which is difficult every season to move through the area, ensuring organization of the rotation of the earth. To simplify a job for a place in next season can be planted curly beans or peas.

Option #3 — support the tire and wheel rim

For the construction of economical cost option, the trellis will need a used tire. It will «heart» design. It is best for this purpose suitable tire for large vehicles: tractor, combine or truck. The role of the supports of the superstructure will carry Bicycle rim, from which you must first Unscrew all the spokes.

The tapestry of the Bicycle rim thanks to attractive appearance on the right can be an original element of vertical gardening and ornate decoration of the site

First, using the grinder cut the tire along. The cut part is placed on the site of the future garden. In the center of the circle put 2 metal rods with a height of 1.5-2 m by placing them in such a way that the design had the shape of a tent.

Then, in the center of the circle located inside the tent, and into the cavity of the cut tires spiked fertile land.

The space remaining on the wheel must «hide», cover it with a piece of old burlap. The edges of the cuts tuck LT is put on the ground bus, thereby giving the bed a more clean look.

In lined with burlap on the same distance cut a few holes for transplanting. To protect tender seedlings from temperature fluctuations, the perimeter of the makeshift beds pull agrotextile, lifting it only at the time of cultivation and irrigation. Remove the covering material together with burlap after fledgling the shoots reach a height of 15-20 cm, and the ambient temperature will finally stabilize.

To create a vertical surface to the center of a round garden sets post, which with the help of wire clips the wheel of the bike. The easiest way to do this, alternately skipping through the holes for the spokes from the opposite four sides of the rim wire and then tightly wrapping it around the top of the rod.

To make the ribs only have to pull the wire through the holes for the spokes in several places, connecting the edges of the rim and of the tyre.

When cucumber whip with leaves will wrap around the stretched wire, the trellis will be like a green tent.

Video-tips for growing cucumbers on trellis

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