Green Wallpapers

Wallpapers, managed to get back from oblivion and re-occupy a worthy place on the market of finishing materials due to its remarkable quality, help designers to solve a number of different tasks: to expand the space of the room and divide it into different functional areas, to focus on some part of the wall, repeat used in the interior colors, thereby «supporting» the selected color.

To make an optimal choice very difficult – products is popular, and manufacturers «heated» interest new and new collections. However, choosing the right for your interior picture, don’t forget about the effect of color on mental and emotional state. The conversation will focus on how and in what areas of the house you can use the Wallpaper green hues, which is a lot.

Green Wallpaper in the interior ↑

This color belongs to the natural, basic, and widely distributed in the surrounding human world. Psychologists say about its positive influence on the human psyche and that in the room where the decoration used green, dominates the atmosphere of peace and harmony. The level of negative emotions in the room in which to finish applied to materials such shades is reduced and gives way to a state of mental equilibrium.

It is important! However, there is no rule without exceptions and among the many shades of this color its bright, saturated colors are able to energize and fill the room with invigorating freshness.

A sense of proportion ↑

Recognizing a very beneficial effect in different shades of green color on the psycho-emotional state of a person, experts recommend to show a sense of proportion and not «overload» its rich shades, especially the children’s rooms. This is done to avoid hyperactivity of child influenced by them. Saturated colors in children can be used sparingly, as a Supplement to the dominant in the room a cheerful Sunny colour scheme.

Compatibility with other colors ↑

The uniqueness of green lies in its versatility and ability to mix with any other colors. Experts advise to combine pale shades of green, which is associated with the blossoming spring greens, with soft pastel colors.

Rich shades of green foliage and grass nottoobad will look good with shades of natural wood, with blue, red, yellow, orange and other vivid colors. This combination, found in nature look very organic.

Features use in a variety of areas ↑

These Wallpapers fit into the interior of any room, you only need to make the right choice of color to create the desired emotional atmosphere, or to focus on the aesthetic beauty of the interior.

The choice for the living room ↑

For the living room is preferable to choose green Wallpapers more relaxed tones combined with blue, white, beige, orange or red.

The Council. Define the main functional purpose of the living room, and it will help you to choose the correct tone. The dominance of soothing colors to have a rest and leisurely talk at the dinner table. The appearance in the interior of bright accent lighting will transform the living room into the room where it’s nice to have parties and have fun.

Decorate the children’s room ^ the

It should be remembered that «very good – also not good», and an abundance of saturated colors, including bright green Wallpapers, may trigger hyperactivity of the child. You need to choose image soft, pastel colors. Such colors can help children tune in to lessons after an active game or calm down before bedtime. If you need «stir» child who is too passive by nature, highlight in the interior of a child’s few bright accents of orange, red, or yellow.

Select a Wallpaper blue-green spectrum for the kitchen ↑

For the kitchen is recommended to choose izobrajeniem bright enough tones. This color of blue sky and green foliage, they are toning and are per person. The specialists thus claim that green Wallpaper in the kitchen help reduce appetite. So in addition to the aesthetic properties of this variant decoration of the kitchen performs an important function for those who want to lose weight effortlessly.

It is important! However, in the struggle for a slender figure all the room to do green not worth it. Blue-green mural must be combined with the finishes and interior beige, yellow, red, orange, sand.

The optimal place to use your – bedroom ↑

Relaxing and calming effect on the man’s delicate shades of green have been proven. That is why such colors photo Wallpaper is an ideal option for the bedroom. Preference it is recommended to give such colors as light olive or pistachio. Accents of bright colour in the bedroom it is necessary to enter very carefully.

As a conclusion ↑

The variety of shades of this color allow you to pick green Wallpapers for all rooms in the house with the features of each room – from the color of tender, young greens in the bedroom and a children’s to an eventful, life-affirming shade of green in the kitchen or noble dark green in the office.

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