Building materials

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

The struggle for the thermal insulation of buildings in modern conditions is not seriously important and relevant. Using methods available to make the cost of heating is less, the population increases thermal insulation of walls, roofs, Windows, anything that could potentially be the location of the leak heat. On the walls are applied tens and hundreds of kilograms of mineral wool, foam, foam, without taking into account possible future problems due to higher fire risk buildings.

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

Manufacturing concrete blocks is gaining momentum ↑

More thoughtful options give industrial methods and production technology of solving the problem. Most often this can be done with ready-made building blocks based on the concrete mass. Properties blocks from arbolita allow you to seriously reconsider the attitude towards energy saving in low-rise construction:

  • Absolute security-concrete material, method of production and the used raw material;
  • High mechanical strength wood concrete masonry, allowing the use of concrete blocks as the main construction material, not as an additional insulator;
  • Low production cost and ease of management of equipment and technological process.
Note! The specific weight of concrete block (slightly less than 1000 g/dm3) may not be compared with the specific gravity of the polyurethane foam or foam, this is sufficient for the production of its own large concrete blocks volume 15-20 dm3, significantly increasing the pace of construction.

Technology semi-industrial production of concrete blocks ↑

There is a standard # 19222-84 for such products. Gastromony recipe for the production of block mandatory for all who are involved in its manufacture for sale or for building houses. In life, everyone decides for himself how to make concrete block at home.

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

Recipes for molding compounds ↑

At its core, the technology of manufacturing wood concrete stone uses:

  1. A solution of Portland cement is not below 400 grade, with a small addition of pulverized sand. Often Supplement ignore, but in vain. A very small amount of sand will help to bind excess lime in the molding sand;
  2. Chopped wood chips or shavings, purified from the bark, rot and dirt. This is the most costly component of the mix, because for normal quality it is necessary to additionally cut chips, of which 80% conform to the recommended standard dimension fork, 15 to 20 mm long and a cross section of 5×5. How homogeneous and durable wood filler, depends on the strength of concrete block;
  3. Water with dissolved aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride, a known coagulant, will make the adhesion of the cement particles with the surface of the wood more durable;
  4. Lime in the hydrated version is used for the chemical pretreatment of wood filler.
It is important! Before the press-casting concrete stone check out which wood species are definitely not suitable due to poor resistance to decay. For example, poplar wood.

For the production is usually chosen mass ratio of cement and wood filler in approximately equal proportions of water, in a ratio of 1:1.2 to the weight of the cement, aluminium sulphate or СаClTwo – 7-8 kg per cube sand. From the volume of the procured the amount of water you want to filter 70 l and dissolve the chemicals, and then mixed with the main composition of the solution.

Check before launching into a series ↑

It is extremely important before starting of production and loading of raw materials to check all the cash components on the adhesion and clarify the formulation of the batch. To do this, prepare a few batches with different quantitative content components and otpravyat on the vibrator.

Often in the industrial production of concrete block is similar to a control sample run in parallel to primary production on manual equipment that allows to control the quality of the process.

Mechanized equipment for producing arborloo at home ↑

The production of even the smallest batch of concrete stone will require remarkable physical strength and health. And most importantly – the quality and strength of the resulting material depend on the level of preparation of the mixture and accuracy of the applied pressing force of the block. So the best quality will give only the specialized equipment for manufacture of concrete blocks.

In the technological chain of production is used for the following equipment:

  1. Sliced-crushing equipment, capable of processing most diverse wood raw materials, most often used for chipping and crushing plants, separate, choppers, crushers of wood waste;
    The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology
  2. Mixing station, and mixer. This files most often for mixing use mixer periodic operation or construction mixers. In specialized lines of production of the mixture is carried out on equipment with the continuous nature of the work. Very difficult to find the right consistency, look at the video, looks like the finished concrete mixture;
    The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology
  3. Distributors of the mixture. The layout of the molding material in small amounts can be done manually from the storage bin, but often use a metering auger filling equipment, a mixture of blank forms;
  4. The pressing equipment is necessary in any production volumes. Compressed into the form of a mixture of cement and filler hand-rammer is very difficult, and simple molding does not give the strength blocks that are easily achieved on vibropresses or other equipment. To learn to work on such equipment is quite simply half an hour of practice or video in the Network;
  5. Drying chamber. They are often not perceived as industrial machinery, but their role in the production of arborloo as important as pressing.

Equipment for mixing ↑

More than just specialized equipment for the initial preparation of the mixture components requires the operation of cutting and crushing of harvested chips, scraps and defective wood products. It should be chop up into chips or shavings are about the same size and next. How it looks like a ready to use filler, better look for one online video.

Before chopping raw materials are carefully washed with a water jet of high pressure, which allows to separate the dirt, crust, fungus damaged areas of the wood. After cutting and crushing of the filler can undergo alkaline treatment, which seek to remove from wood hemicellulose sugar, fungus and parasites.

The procedure works as long soaking in a 15% solution of slaked lime. Sometimes a chemical treatment is replaced by treatment for 20 minutes with superheated steam under pressure of 10-15 ATM on the special equipment. This processing dramatically increases the ability of the superheated wood to compression, the strength of concrete increases block by 15%. In the video, which many in the network, often this operation is not shown.

Molding equipment in the production of concrete block ↑

After heating the forms and rinse with a solution of lime occurs dosing and assessment of a mixture of steel or cast iron shapes – blocks, the mixture is subjected to compression, as static and vibrating machines-presses. First often made and used in the handicraft production of concrete block, the second type of press equipment used on lines and pipelines for serial production.

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

Static machines-presses are often used as equipment for small-scale, isolated or test production.

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

Vibrating press has low power consumption, high quality pressing and small dimensions. Moreover, poor training of the filler is often only the vibration of the press can bring the level of strength and quality required to GOST index.

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

The simplicity of the design allowed many engineering factories to establish production of specialized equipment of vibropresses for the artisanal home-made concrete block. For example, machines Saratov production АРБ2, weighing just under 90kg. For a change of equipment allows you to press up to 5 mThree mix in finished blocks.

Camera drying concrete blocks ↑

Extruded blocks ready forms are transported into the room with a given humidity. Further forms are laid out on pallets and carefully dismantled, freeing svezheproseyannuyu concrete block.

The production of concrete blocks: equipment and technology

Gripe mixture will end in two days, and the normal strength of the unit will gather not earlier than in 17-28 days. During this time, you will need to provide a moist atmosphere and constant temperature drying concrete blocks. Otherwise, the blocks can crack or flake off due to the increasing internal stresses.

In handicraft production are often pressed batch of concrete blocks lay in a dark place, covered with plastic film and protective fabric awning. Two or three day blocks carry into the room and spread in a single layer on a concrete floor. A week later, the blocks can be stored in bundles.

Conclusion ↑

A fairly common fault, which can be used to distinguish handicraft wood concrete block production production of industrial equipment is the low strength of the corner sections of the block. Have «craftsmen» they do not pripressovyvajut, crack and crumble. Looks like a quality concrete block, manufactured on industrial equipment, it is better to see on video.

For individual construction manufacturing wood concrete block truly is a godsend, is cheaper and easier to work than cinder block or foam block.

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