How to set the slopes on plastic Windows

Not all independent craftsmen know how to set the slopes for plastic Windows, because even with the most careful work, in any case breaks the window opening and appear all sorts of cracks and potholes that should be repaired. These and many other problems lead to the fact that many people are unable to independently perform the installation of slopes on the plastic window and do not even understand the technology from a.

But really, if you want to save money on carrying out such works, and also have some skills in the repair or installation of plastic Windows, we offer you detailed insight into how to make the slopes after the installation of plastic Windows.

Painting and plaster ↑

Plaster of slopes of plastic Windows is different, the only advantage is ease of use and also very affordable for everyone price. Simply hydrate the dry mix, and then you proceed to the execution of all works:

  • the first step is a thorough cleaning and leveling around the glass. You would need to clear this area from a variety of dirt and debris;
  • now expand the joints of the walls, corners and slopes. In the majority of cases, it is sufficient to carry out the extension of approximately 8-12 mm in order to ensure good adhesion of the mixture to the wall surface;
  • then it will be possible to proceed directly to the plaster of slopes. Initially carried out the plastering of the walls, and then properly align the angles of slope;
  • gaps between glazing carefully zapenivayutsya. If you need to warm slopes in a private home, you can use a variety of materials, including felt and hemp. Materials should be wet in a plaster solution, then already the seal around the window perimeter. At the same time until the ends of the window box should be left a gap of about 20-30 mm, which will subsequently be used as recesses for mortar. The foaming is necessary in order to achieve noise insulation;
  • in the groove of the slope of the plastic Windows to apply a certain amount of solution, after which it is aligned. Now need to wait until the mixture is completely dry on this piece;
  • then again apply a small amount of plaster and, respectively, align. The procedure is repeated until, until the groove is filled completely. For one reception it is necessary to apply a layer, the thickness of which shall not be more than 7 and not less than 5 mm in thickness;
  • before be applied with plaster to the upper part of the slope, we need to very securely lock it in with wooden slats, having a horizontal straight edge. The rail itself can be fixed with nails. It is extremely important to do everything very accurately, tested it the level. Similarly, the slats must be installed and on the sides of the slope;
  • after all the work we carry out levelling plaster. Professionals used for this wooden Malka, a rounded handle. Tool length depends on the width of the slope were installed;
  • in order to ensure the safety of usenok, you will need to use when mounting a rounded or flat Fiske. After complete drying of the plaster slats should be removed. All other sides are treated in a similar way.

How to install plastic soffits? ↑

Installation of slopes on Windows differs, primarily, the wide spread, because they have the opportunity to use some original solutions in the interior. In addition, it is worth noting that simply is the installation of slopes on plastic Windows and their subsequent operation, as well as the profile and glass expand equally, in the event of temperature changes, the structure slope does not appear unnecessary stress.

Also don’t need to decorate them after the installation of plastic Windows, because everything is ready, just wipe away the dirt and dust with a damp cloth. In the majority of cases sufficient to install approximately two hours, and the installation is as follows:

  • measure the desired width of the slopes, after which they are cut from PVC;
  • panels are fixed to a pre-cleaned surface. In the majority of cases specialists are used for this liquid nails;
  • with the help of Reiki by fixing the panel in position;
  • top ends are carefully covered with plastic corners. Thanks to the use of these parts you will be able to ensure the longevity of the Wallpaper that will be stuck near Windows, because they quite often hurt children and animals.

For those who did not understand, how is the installation of slopes of plastic Windows with their hands, the video below with detailed step by step explanation:

Installation of drywall soffits ↑

Gypsum slopes are the most common among those who are interested in the installation of slopes of PVC Windows with their hands. It is worth noting that in this case it is highly recommended to use a waterproof sheet, because the product is often in contact with high humidity. The installation is as follows:

  • the breadth and taken a small indent (about 3 mm);
  • on the plasterboard sheet is plotted in the right fabric, after which it is cut by a specialized knife or electric jigsaw. If you are using the latest tool, in this case, it is highly recommended to initially moisten the material with water in order to eliminate the spread of plaster dust;
  • set the sheet on one side so that it’s approximately 3 mm went into the groove between wall surface and a plastic window;
  • on the inner side of the slope in the gap between it and the wall the foam is applied then it is applied also in the middle of the slope and along the edge;
  • the canvas is securely fixed with dowels, and all work is carefully controlled by using a level in order to achieve perfect verticality of the canvas;
  • also install the upper slope;
  • now you will need to wait approximately 2-3 hours until the foam is fully cured, then use serpyanku and putty in order to seal the various joints and gaps. Originally glued serpyanku, and then use a putty knife and filler to completely smooth the surface of the slope;
  • installing parts that will protect the slices. In this case it is important to use aluminum or galvanized perforated angles. Drywall is applied a layer of putty, and then strictly in terms of mount area and a bit overwritten with the same filler composition;
  • after the putty dries, you can sand the sheet.

In the video below, consider more detailed installation drywall slopes for plastic Windows:

Note ↑

The installation is really secure and warm slopes is a whole technology which in the implementation is much more complex than even with the installation of plastic Windows. However, due to the use of such slopes, you can significantly extend the life of installed Windows, however, they will not be frozen or dark, or even fade from sunlight in the process of operation.

It is often useful to set the slopes immediately after installation of plastic Windows, or at least every other day. One of the most important stages in the installation process is the successful formation of a foamy seam, and will provide sealing. Foam should be applied evenly and in the right quantity without any excess, because otherwise it just distorts the panel.

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