How to build a barn with their hands

Many landowners are wondering how to build a horse stable on the site. The fact that someone dreamed about horses since childhood, while others may want to professionally breed animals for resale. Moreover, it is now gaining momentum, the business associated with horse riding. Not surprisingly, this topic has become more relevant than ever.

Building a stable ↑

Start of construction ↑

Before proceeding to the construction of stables with their hands, you need to create the project. It will include drawings, estimates, descriptions of required materials and other important information. This document will be your road map on the way to a completed concept. It is necessary to consider these points:

  1. The main purpose of buildings is to ensure the maximum comfort of the horses. You should be aware that horses need a lot of space. Moreover, the stable should be insulated properly and have enough light. It should not be drafts. Animals are extremely sensitive to them.
  2. As the construction site it is best to choose the higher ground. This will allow to avoid the formation of damp inside. Otherwise, the horse will often suffer from hoof diseases.
  3. Determine which side is most often blowing in the wind. You need to cold streams were in the corner of the stables.
  4. The special role played by budgeting without this document, not something that is impossible to build a stable and just start building. Clearly assess your capabilities and set a budget.

After the main points have been clarified, you can proceed directly to the construction of the stables.

Determined the material ↑

In fact, with this question you need to decide is still in the process of creating the project stable. But since the topic is very extensive, it is better to allocate a separate section. Among professional breeders best materials recognized as brick and wood. This choice is explained quite simply. These materials are better than any other is able to provide dryness and warmth inside the stables.

Brick allows you to create a strong and reliable construction. In addition, this material is still breathing. This is a very powerful argument when you create the optimum environment for the animals.

In turn, timber copes with moisture and creates a microclimate, which is perfect for the life of the horse. Thanks to him, the barn will be the place where the animals feel as comfortable as possible.

There is an option even for those who have insufficient funds to purchase the required number of bricks or wood. So the construction came out warm, dry and cheap — use Adobe. This material is a mixture of clay and straw. He’s physical and possesses good insulating properties.

The Council! Quite a budget option, the stables consists of boards in the frame. In the space between them is filled penoobraznaya weight.

The stone when creating buildings better not to use it. It is, of course, has amazing durability and reliability, but inside the stables will necessarily be damp. Besides, to heat such a room costs money.

Do the walls ↑

The thickness of the walls of the stables depends on the material and climate in which the building is constructed. If construction occurs in the Northern zones of the country, the thickness of the walls must be 22 to 25 inches. In turn, in the southern latitudes enough logs with a thickness of 20 cm.

The walls should be on a good, solid Foundation. Moreover, the space between these elements of construction it is best to lay the roofing felt. If this material is not, use roofing felt or even asphalt. In principle, do any waterproofing material.

It is important! The construction of horse stables needs to take account of the fact that the inside temperature should not be below 10 degrees.

The internal layout of the walls of the buildings is done with the expectation that the horse in the stall must be able to change the situation. Otherwise, animals will be extremely uncomfortable inside.

Roof ↑

The roof in the barn the best thing to do pitched. Moreover, it is necessary to equip the ebbs and troughs. It is necessary that the water was collected in special containers and not to the walls of the building. Otherwise, the appearance of moisture on the inside is inevitable.

The ceiling should be located at a level below the animal could easily be placed in the stable. It should not hit his head on the ceiling. Of course, the maximum growth of each horse depends on the breed, but best not to make the ceiling less than three meters.

The ridge in a gable roof is set at a height of about four meters, but not more than five. The lower edge of the roof must rise above the earth not less than three meters.

The best material for the construction of the stables has long been recognized as a 5-inch Board. Fit genomescan mixture and poured sawdust. You can also use dry reeds.

Roofing material for the construction of the stables in theory can be anything. But it must not pass moisture to be resistant to all weather phenomena and to resist the burning. Ideal slate.

The creation of sex — as the most important stage in the construction of stables ↑

Floors of stables must possess such properties as:

  • strength,
  • water resistant,
  • softness,
  • insulation.

The floor in the stable, most often wood or wattle and daub. Each option has its pros.

Perhaps the easiest way to do a mud floor. It is necessary to prepare the land to build stables. Then it is necessary to lay a thick layer of clay, then compacted it. Coating thickness not less than 15 cm!

It is important! During the pressing, the clay is compressed twice, keep this in mind when buying.

In the end, all that is necessary is to dry the floor in the building. Immediately after that, cracks. To eliminate them, use a mixture of clay and lime. Pour the solution into the affected area and wait until dry. The surface sprinkle the top with sand

Mud floor is popular among the breeders. It’s warm and great for the hooves of animals. The only negative is the difficulty in maintenance.

The surface of the mud-brick floor of the stable should be covered with special bedding. On the shoulders of the breeders falls the task of sealing nicks that appear quite often as a result of natural stubbornness animals.

Hardwood floor is also often used in stables. When building boards are positioned as close as possible to each other. Gaps should not be at all. Best logs to utaplivat in the ground.

It is important! The main advantage of the wooden floor in the barn is its ability to keep warm inside.

Rarely in the construction of stables do brick or asphalt floors. They are pretty good, but their styling is very costly. If funds are almost there, but the desire to start their own business will not go away, you can resort to a little trick.

Earthen floors for stables almost costs nothing, but gives the horse a relatively good comfort. You need to mix the loosened soil with straw and well compacted. Actually all.

It is important! The floor of the stable must have a slight slope in the direction of passage from the trough, no more than two degrees.

Set doors ↑

Doors in stables should not be narrow. The animal by passing through them should not experience any discomfort. Standard parameters are as follows: a height of not less than two meters, width one and a half.

It is important! Door jambs shall be rounded.

Doors can be opened outwards only. Special attention will be closures, they should be rounded and do not protrude. In most cases, they lead to injuries of animals.

The stall — house animal ↑

After building the stables is finished, you need to do the internal arrangement. A special role in this context play the stall. Room height of not less than two and a half meters.

Each stall is equipped with an individual light source. And interior light the lamp needs to be humidity. Hang the lamp you need so that the animal could not get his head.

The results ↑

Construction of stables with their hands difficult and time-consuming task, but quite feasible. All you need is to make a clear plan and follow it. A huge number of possible design options allows you to choose the option that will suit you in all respects, starting from budget and ending with the size.

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