Calculation of boiler power for heating

For most country houses heating system — it is the only possible method of ensuring normal room temperature at any time of the year. Unfortunately, so far the centralized mains is a huge rarity for suburban cooperatives. Moreover, even in the suburbs and not everywhere it is possible to connect.

It is not surprising that almost every owner of a country house wondered how to calculate the boiler capacity for heating. Fortunately, this process does not represent special complexity. A few simple formulas will allow you to pick any unit that can provide heat all the rooms of your home.

Attention! There are many types of boilers. Each has its pros and cons.

When you choose the heating boiler and the calculation of its power, you also need to consider design features and the operation of the device. This will allow you to choose the best option that will fit perfectly in your conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages of Autonomous heating ↑

Independent heating has many advantages, for example, it can provide the warmth of home, being miles away from civilization. In addition, the modern system is quite economical. Have to make the right connections and the optimum power calculation, you will receive significant savings.

Attention! Despite the undeniable advantages of Autonomous heating has one major drawback — the installation of the boiler expensive operation.

There are a lot of boilers, which differ in price and features of operation. Usually, the higher the price, the cheaper the operation. But all devices have one thing in common dignity. They allow you to connect the heating when you need it. Just make the correct calculation, and all of the room will be warm.

Modern boilers with the heating liquid can maintain its performance even in severe frosts. In contrast to the models that have inside the tank water: is the temperature inside the house to drop below freezing as the liquid will freeze and will cause huge damage to the system.

Carry out calculations ↑

Before you perform the exact calculation of the future capacity of the boiler for heating, you should familiarize yourself with the basic values that will allow you to carry out this operation. In fact, there are only two:

  • S — area;
  • WUD — the capacity of the heating element to ten square meters.

The latter quantity depends on the area in which you are. Simply put, the calculation should be adjusted for climatic conditions. This will allow you to choose the best device, which will also save on the operating system and its purchase.

To make it easier to calculate the capacity of the boiler is for your area, here are the main indicators for Russia:

  • Moscow oblast is 1.2—1.5 kW.
  • North is 1.5—2 kW.
  • South — 0,7—09 kW.

To calculate the boiler capacity for heating you need to take the area and multiply by the specific power required for a comfortable winter period for your area. The formula looks like the following:


This way you will be able to make a calculation of the capacity of the boiler. Just take the increased power density from the list. Many construction companies use for simplicity in the calculations unit. But it’s not quite right, as it makes it impossible to pick up the equipment, thereby minimizing costs.

If to speak about any average it will be 10 kW at 100 mTwo. But such figure cannot be fully considered objective. In order to guarantee that in the winter your home will be warm in the calculation of the boiler output for heating need to include 15 percent premium.

Attention! In this case, for high-quality heating of one hundred meters square, you need to purchase a boiler with a capacity of not less than 11,5 kW.

Example ↑

As you can see, to calculate the boiler capacity of the heating area of the house is not so very difficult. Just know the total area of heated space and power density for your region. But just in case, consider a specific example calculation.

For simplicity of calculations we take the building, an area equal to one hundred meters. Let this house is located in the Moscow region. In this case, the increased power density will be 1.2 kW. Then we only substitute the existing data into the formula to create the optimal heating system:

Wcat = (100х1,2)/10 =12.

To heat the house in the Moscow region not more than 100 mTwo, need a heater with a capacity of not less than 12 kW. For greater certainty, to this figure must add 15 percent. The result of the power calculation for the heating boiler will be figure 13.8 kW.

Calculate the capacity of the radiators ↑

Of course, finding the necessary power for the heating boiler is extremely important. But the device showed its real ability you also need to set the correct radiators.

Therefore, in order to use the boiler to maximum to properly do a power calculation for each of the radiators, which are installed in the rooms. As an example, take the radiator out of aluminum. Installation will occur in the room, which area is 14 mTwo. Ceiling height of three meters.

You should start with volume. To do this, simply multiply the square on the height. As a result, we get 42 square meters. In order to simplify the calculation, take the climate of Central Russia. It is 41 Watts per cubic meter. Let’s make some simple calculations and get the power in 1722 W.

With the final figure to see how many sections you need the radiator through the mesh of pipes will connect to the boiler a certain power. Heat one section of the radiator of this class is 150 watts. Following settlement we will receive 12 sections. It’s a round number.

Attention! The 15 percent rule applies here. Accordingly, we get 14 clubs after the final power calculation.

As you can see, the most important parameter of the radiator that connects to the boiler, is the heat loss of each section. The top was the example of calculation for aluminium structures with bimetallic plates. For cast iron products this parameter will be different.

The types of boilers ↑

Classification and features selection ↑

Of particular importance is the type of boiler in the organization of Autonomous heating in the house. Now most modern buildings are installing these types of boilers:

  • electric,
  • gas,
  • solid,
  • oil.

Each of these types has unique characteristics. Therefore, when the installation takes into account the following parameters:

  • frequency of use of the country house,
  • number of inhabitants,
  • region,
  • yardage etc.

Also the type of boiler greatly affects its value. Because of this, when you purchase need to be double careful.

The types ↑

Solid fuel boiler has the following characteristic features:

  • affordable,
  • full autonomy,
  • efficiency.

An important disadvantage of the device is relatively low efficiency. Moreover, for the storage of solid fuel requires a lot of space. But the most important disadvantage of solid fuel boiler, which must be considered in the calculations is the intermittency of temperature. During the day it can drop or rise 2-3 degrees.

Electric boiler has the following advantages:

  • compact,
  • sustainability,
  • ease of use.

The main drawback of electric heating boiler is the high cost of energy, and it must be considered in the calculations. The oil-fired boilers are characterized by high ease of use. The less a fire hazard is at a high level.

Gas boilers is fairly economical. Especially considering the fact that gas prices are at an affordable level. They are very often set in a variety of organizations. Their merits could be considered:

  • ease of operation,
  • efficiency,
  • compact.

Unfortunately, their benefit depends largely on gas prices. If she grows up, then use equipment of this type will be simply unprofitable.

The results ↑

As you can see, to calculate the boiler capacity for heating the house is possible without any special calculators. A formula and indicators for each climate district will allow you to choose the best boiler that will provide heat inside the building all winter long.

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