The Foundation

How to build a Foundation for a shed

The construction of any facilities begins with the laying of the Foundation. It is a carrying element of the rest of the structure regardless of its weight, dimensions. Therefore, even the barn is beginning to design with it. If you make a mistake at this stage, the consequences could be very serious – from excess rain, cracks on the walls to deformation, which is particularly noticeable in the field of door and window openings. So the question is how to make a Foundation under the barn is being discussed quite actively.

In practice, there are several options of installation of buildings, and on the Foundation (or rather, of the materials used in its fill). Popular:

  • solid;
  • columnar;
  • brick;
  • of tires.

Use a method depending on the availability of construction material, its cost, and financial capabilities. What a Foundation is to make a barn – to solve only to its owner, every option has its advantages. Main thing is to follow the sequence of actions needed to produce durable buildings.

There are many authoritative opinions about, for example, do I need a Foundation under the shed of boards or what type to choose for capital building of brick.

Where to start? ↑

Before starting construction it is necessary to prepare a location for it, from finding the right tool. For this you will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • cord (rope, fishing line, it is easier to find);
  • the pegs (they will be marked all the angles, both external and internal);
  • the Board (then they are fixed to pegs and thereby mark the place of Foundation).

Sometimes boards are bonded to each other to make a wider shield with cross, make one side longer so you can drive them into the ground and marking with stakes. Do not only those who wants to make a Foundation under the barn with his own hands, and all the masters seeking to do the job according to the rules, efficiently.

How to build a Foundation for a shed

On a pre-cleared area, which area to be slightly larger than the expected size of future extensions, choose the location of the first (base) peg. Then, on the alleged longest wall choose the second position, to between these points, there were no obstacles, and future wall stood exactly in relation to other buildings or fences.

To the Foundation for the barn was strictly perpendicular, you should be very attentive to the choice of points for driving in of pegs placed on the opposite side. Methods for this are many. For example, take a long rope, cut it into two equal parts. The end of one of the parts to bind to the first peg and the second to the second. Now you have to pull both ropes in the opposite direction, wondering at the same «the eye» or by using long strips/boards, which will be located at the corners of the future rectangle (it has both diagonals is always equal). A simple Foundation for a shed usually looks like this.

You can now score two more «extreme» the peg and to form the frame. The Foundation under the barn may be more complex shapes, then the pegs will need on all corners (that was the guideline for fixing of boards).

Further actions depend on the type of construction, it will be necessary to decide such things as the depth to dig trenches, whether it is necessary at all or is it easier to make a casting directly on the surface of the earth. For example, if prepare Foundation for a shed on heaving soils, the depth will need to be sure, it is possible that you will need more piles, hammered to a depth where the soil is relatively calm.

Cushion for barn ↑

As soon as the scheme of future building «drawn» on the land, came the time for the preparation of so-called cushions. Even if is the Foundation for the barn with his own hands, this step cannot be skipped, otherwise, the building in the future may be affected due to subsidence of the soil, especially in the offseason.

How to build a Foundation for a shed

First, it is necessary to remove all turf, no matter how deep it may be. Depending on the type of soil the depth may be different. Second, at the bottom of the trench evenly poured sand-gravel mixture and thoroughly compacted. If funds for the purchase of sand and gravel, we can use the previously removed soil, but must be pre-sift to get to the roots of plants. The easiest Foundation for a shed can be very cheap.

Now the design is ready for grouting. If there is a question of how to make a Foundation for a shed with his own hands, provided that it will be the capital building and maybe he will still attic, it is best to reinforce.

The choice of type of Foundation ↑

It is the most important moment – how to build a Foundation under the barn and attach with a minimum of effort. A lot of options. There are even tips on how to make a Foundation of tires for the barn and other utility buildings.

If you select fill with concrete mix, you will need formwork of the boards I made in the beginning. This mixture is prepared independently so it can be ready to buy. In the preparation of concrete it is necessary to adhere to the technology (ratio of components). So, recommend 6 parts of gravel (crushed stone) mixed with 3 volumes of sand and 1 of cement. Water for kneading’ll need slightly less than one volume.

How to build a Foundation for a shed

When exploring the question of how to make a Foundation for a barn often lower the points for its correct filling. Moreover, what is required to mix thoroughly preparing the mixture until complete disappearance of lumps, and after pouring it is necessary to maintain the surface moist until complete setting of the solution. This will avoid cracks on the surface and give strength to the structure. Many questions arise when deciding what is the better Foundation for a shed wood. The answer is simple – the stock never hurts (referring to strength), so it should do the same as for the building of concrete blocks, bricks, etc.

As the basis can be chosen ready-made blocks, a Foundation under the shed of the blocks on the performance characteristics virtually identical to the poured concrete mixture and installation may be much easier. For example, the Foundation for the shed of the blocks chosen in cases when there is no possibility to connect a mixer or deliver the ready mix to the construction site.

How can I improve the strength of the structure? ↑

In addition to the traditional ribbon designs sometimes make a pier Foundation under the barn. This is required on soils prone to heaving during freezing in winter, or, conversely, melting in the spring. Or if you plan the floor of the shed raised above the surface of the earth. In any case, at the corners and at key points establish the pillars of asbestos-cement pipe or spread them of brick, pre-deepening the soil in places of their installation.

How to build a Foundation for a shed

To make a choice in favor of one option or the other, to determine how to make the Foundation under the barn with his own hands, it is easier if you first carefully study the video recommendations and a clear picture:

About how to make a Foundation under the barn with his own hands the video not only shows, but also offers to listen to the advice of professionals, talks about the major difficulties of this event.

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