Two-tariff electricity meters

As strange as it sounds, but the use of a population of individual tariffs for electricity consumption in the night is beneficial primarily power generation companies. The idea of using two-rate meter hovered in the air for a long time, but the practical application of such devices has begun relatively recently. For clarity it may be mentioned that electricity producers are willing to sell to wholesale buyers night electricity to a quarter of the daily prices – almost at cost.

However, the benefit of using two-tariff meter is not so obvious, although it has undeniable advantages:

  • For people who due to life circumstances they are predominantly nocturnal, the cost savings on your energy bill will be at least 30%;
  • A good opportunity to think about the transfer of the heating system for heating using the boiler;
  • An indispensable thing, if you are a supporter of the system of intelligent automated control of appliances, sometimes called «smart home».

In all other cases it is necessary to think carefully about which meter is better to put in the apartment, and accurately calculate money savings, in what period of time will pay off in innovation. In fact, two-tariff meter is a continuation of the process of intellectualization of home appliances, the process of development of accounting from primitive magnetodynamic schemes to two-tariff and further to the multi-tariff counters of the account of consumption of energy. Maybe in the future charging dual tariff appliance electricity consumption will be even more detailed and attractive, but with more stringent conditions of energy consumption.

Now double-rate meter allows you to consume the electricity with a factor of 0.7 in the period from eleven p.m. to seven a.m., which gives savings of 30%.

The Council! Two-tariff meter is an indispensable tool in the struggle for cheap energy, if you have the opportunity to think and plan the consumption of electricity in a newly built house or a new apartment.

What an interesting two-tariff electricity meters for ordinary citizens ↑

The cost of a very simple model of two-tariff meter is much higher than normal electronic counter, primarily due to the additional information processing systems. Due to the wide use of microprocessor devices in all possible and impossible devices, modern energy consumption is more similar to an old TV than a good friend to all primitive mechanism. Therefore, it is not cheap, the average cost about 6 thousand rubles.

Almost all models are two-tariff electricity meters have external dimensions and connection points, similar to existing single-rate models. Therefore, replacement does not require special modifications or changes to the conclusions of the wiring. It is sufficient to conclude a contract with a RES, to pay for the programming of the device and its installation with the filling device. The building will have two seals – the factory and test. The latest on the two-tariff electricity meter will be periodically checked by the supervisors RES.

Often two-tariff electricity meter set only to reduce energy consumption for heating of the boiler. The main idea of such innovations – heating electricity hot water only at night, in the preferential period of time. Day boiling water is consumed without heating due to good insulation. But in most models of water heaters hot water in kitchen faucet or shower only pressure injected from below into a tank of cold water. Thus, the first 20% of the used hot water from the boiler will be replaced with cold water, and all that is left in the boiler, quickly cooled.

Real reviews on the use of two-rate meter indicate the following:

  • If not specifically target electricity consumption at night, reducing energy consumption can average about 20%;
  • If the operation cost of electricity appliances to transfer at a reduced rate, the average savings can be up to 30-35%, which will pay for the cost of installation of two-tariff counter after no less than a couple of years;
  • If you have a special refrigerator models are designed for operation in soft clocks, and electric heating, the cost of a two-tariff meter will pay for itself within a year.
The Council! Real savings with two-tariff meter is the use of programmable systems of floor heating, a slow cooker and the kettle – a device that combines a kettle with a timer and a thermos.

The calibration interval of the electricity meters ↑

Like any technical device control, two-tariff meter requires routine maintenance and calibration procedures. The period of testing of electricity meters identifies the manufacturer of the device on the basis of certificates of conformity and regulatory standards. The lifetime counter starts from the date of signing of the act on connection of the device. Usually, the manufacturer declares the work of two-tariff electricity meter of the first class in over 20 years. In some cases, possible reservations – if the date of sale was more than 12 months, for the installation of two-tariff meter is required to conduct additional verification of the instrument. The lifespan of such procedures are not affected but require additional expenses of money and nerves.

Verification of two-tariff meter is no different from single-rate. After the calibration time interval, the service will send you a notice of required verification. Do not think that this procedure will bypass your side, technician service RES will be offered:

  • To replace the meter with a new device, with the payment of all programming services, installation and seal. It’s expensive, but it will take minimum time;
  • Remove the two-tariff meter temporarily install the meter proposed by the representative of RES.
  • To carry out the verification of the two-tariff counter on the spot, without dismantling the device from the place of connection.

Unfortunately, the latter option is not so widespread and available mainly for models that have a special connector for the DLC PC. These models are two-tariff devices more expensive, but if used wisely can greatly increase energy savings by connecting the possibility of integrating the system «smart home».

In any case, the removal of the seals and the meter must be performed by an employee of RES authorized for such work. Definitely an act, the copy is still you, which records the last numeric readings, model number, serial number of the device and common technical condition.

Verification can perform not only a service structure RES, it can be done faster and cheaper by any laboratory having the appropriate license and permit to work. But for installation of the meter, anyway, will have to involve specialists in RES for filling. Similarly is the case with repair or maintenance of electricity meters, in any case can not open the factory or check the seals yourself.

Electricity meter with remote control ↑

Despite numerous measures taken by Roskomnadzor, the country has many firms engaged in the sale of electric meters with remote control. Implementation is mainly through specialized sites, but in any case, the average consumer, there are many possibilities, including using the Internet in more detail to get acquainted with features design of the counter with the remote and its capabilities.

On most respectable sites advertising does not go beyond the usual narrative that the counter has two modes – normal and economical. The transition from one to the other is carried out using the remote belkovogo type, resembling a remote car alarm. What exactly is the feature of economy mode, in the advertising story is not detailed.

But, in any case, the Internet search engine will allow you to find a more detailed description of the electricity meter. In fact, this is a real electricity meter modern type on the basis of a microprocessor. In the meter design is mounted a receiving device that receives the commands of the console on and off that part of the scheme, which is responsible for the accounting and summing the readings of electricity consumed. Simply put, with the click of a button from distances up to 25 meters you can turn on or off the electricity.

In this case, the seller is guaranteed that the stop accounting externally on the instrument, not shown. Moreover, there are no signs, signals, radiation, able to give away the secret. To identify features of the design of an electricity meter, you must open the original seal and to access the electronic Board of the device. But in this case requires substantial knowledge and equipment. Open the device you do not allow that, according to the distributors of such products, guarantees the safety of secrets.

In fact, such a device will save a lot of money for theft of electricity. This scheme differs little from the systems otmachivanija readings for old meters or systems superstrong magnets. In both cases, the controllers RES was caught and fined a significant sum a lot of people. Needless to hope for an energy meter with remote control will not be invented its antidote? In any case, the amount of the fine will be much higher savings on the money counter.

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