How and where to store the tools: savvy gardeners share their secrets

With the onset of heat gardeners pull out of the sheds and warehouses of tools and farm equipment. In the midst of the spring work with everything a vacationer should be in his hands. There is always a need for shovels, the rakes, scoops, forks and pruning shears. On the one hand, it is necessary that they were as close as possible to the place of work. On the other, how could I not want to have neat look of the site violated the scattered around objects! One way out: to determine and equip the place for summer storage of tools. And in the winter they also have to be put somewhere, to fully prepared to meet the new summer season.

The contents

For spring, summer and autumn

The aesthetics of open space will not be disturbed, if you use one of the suggested ideas convenient storage of tools. Everything you need is at your fingertips, but not on the eyes.

The space under the terrace or porch

If at the design stage of the house you provide even slightly elevated porch or terrace, consider that the place for shovels and rakes you have already identified. Enough construction was from the ground surface at least two feet. The greater the distance from earth and the length of the terrace, the greater your chances.

The free space under the terrace is well organized. Even the stairs transformed into drawers where you can store a variety of stuff

You can just close the space, providing it an aesthetic door. You will receive an original barn, which, incidentally, will strengthen the terrace. If under a porch not too much space, better to have drawers, turning the side of the porch in a kind of dresser. Design it should be choose according to your taste, it is only important to match the overall style of the buildings.

Another option to create a utility room under the terrace of the house. It accommodates not only gardening equipment but also the bike, for example, or a small boat

Garden bench is also nice

Typically, the space under the garden benches anyone not particularly interested. And we will fix it and not let him empty. Let instead of the usual benches we will have a box in which we put the tools.

The overall aesthetics of the plot does not suffer, but the space under the bench where it’s so hard to mow the grass, will be put to the test. Pruning shears, shovels and hoses can be stored directly near the place of their application.

This bench does not look like a repository for tools, but it is used that way. Looks similar to a fashionable couch, it is multifunctional

Constructed a special box

Now do it the other way. First we calculate the box parameters which we need to all the equipment could easily fit in there, and then think about what other functions it could perform on our site.

This wooden box is sure to find some useful application in the economy. For example, it is possible to grow seedlings or use it in the gazebo as the dining table

Let’s say we do a container with drawers or a hinged or even a combined structure in which the boxes are located at the bottom, and the space for shovels, rakes and hoes – top. It is quite body structure that can be used as a table for growing seedlings, a lounger or a place for children to play.

The original design in the form of obelisk

Decorative detail of the exterior of your home can be a very useful structure. No one in the head does not come, brooms and shovels are here, so neat and natural look of this design.

Who would have thought that in this neat and inconspicuous the cache owner hides spades, shovels and fishing rods? Yes, at the bottom of the obelisk and even the air conditioning hidden

The lower part of the container may take, such as, air conditioning, and the top will accommodate tools with long shanks. This also can be laid and fishing gear, which are also in need of storage space.

For small details

However, not all the garden fixtures are large in size. Sometimes we need things like pruning shears, skeins of twine, gloves, scoops and pegs. Where to put all this together so long not to search? They have to build a house-birdhouse at the front, corresponding to the growth of the green thumb.

This is a real illustration of the expression «everything is at hand». Board is for information that the gardener must not be forgotten. For example, there can be marked the date of vaccination

It may be an independent store or an original addition to a large utility room. In any case, in this «house» every little thing will be on its place. And the necessary information just write with chalk on the Board with the inside of the door.

Use hanging design

For climbing flowering plants, cucumbers and grapes are often used a variety of props. On their vertical surfaces is easy to do any type mounting hooks. They can be hung from all unnecessary at the moment inventory. In fact, he is in sight, but his or not much, or it will look quite neat.

Take a good look at the posts, because placed on them equipment really is almost not visible

If the climate in your area is dry, this method of temporary storage very useful. If often rains, you can line the hooks on the wall of any outbuildings, well protected overhanging roof. However, can the entire outer surface of the wall to convert into a kind of organizer. About its structure we will describe below..

Aesthetic cylindrical stand

If in the process of construction you were cutting metal or plastic pipe, do not hurry to part with them. Pinning them in a quiet corner somewhere in the house or gazebo, you will be able to store all the tools with handles. Each subject has its own place, which facilitates subsequent access to it.

The only thing that worries in this way to store inventory is a pitchfork, sharp teeth which are directed upwards. One can only hope that this design will be safety

Make a shelf with your hands

Ways to make a simple shelf for the instruments with their hands a lot. One of them we offer. For base shelves, we need one Board over a length of 1 meter and a thickness of 40 mm. in addition, prepare the remnants of boards, planks and similar cutting plywood triangular shape.

Take the plywood triangles and each of them scrollsaw jigsaw groove corresponding to the Board that we have prepared for the base shelf. Screws to fasten the trim strips of triangles, their edges are cut down. Now each triangle console.

This shelf was easy to do: to create one makes no sense to buy new materials, you can use those left over from previous construction works

With screws every console is fixed to the Board substrate so that shovels, rakes and other tools can be hung working up. Between the consoles, you have to insert cutting boards or chipboard. This will give the overall structure the necessary rigidity.

I must say that the finished design turns out quite heavy. To secure this shelf to the wall with necessary assistant that will support it. If the master has one, that it is easier to initially fix the support Board, and then tie it to the console and elements that provide stiffness.

The only difficulty is the weight of the shelves, which is a problem in that if to fasten it to the wall will have one, but in this case there is a way

Another option involves the consolidation of ready-made designs using one large nail, and then the final Assembly with screws. In the areas of their locations you may make through holes. The resulting simple shelf collects all basic equipment.

Garden organizer is just

For simple garden organizer we do not need extra effort and significant financial costs. It’s pretty simple!

We’ll need four edged boards 25 mm thick. They must be prepared to work – trim. In the figure, where two boards will be placed in the holes. Outline them. With the first drill will make holes according to the preliminary basting and then a scroll saw or a simple hacksaw will cut out lateral notches.

There is nothing difficult in assembling this organizer there. News simple the process is quite detailed on these drawings

Connect the boards with screws in pairs to make two l-shaped structures. Now we have two upright. Choose the wall that will house our organizer. Let it be, for example, the external wall of any outbuildings. Stands need to tie it parallel to each other at a smaller distance than the length of the shovel.

Why not boast of such worthy result? Always nice when the tools kept in order. Clean equipment and work will be fun

The work is done. It remains only to put the entire inventory in the organizer, and to rejoice that he is always right.

When the holiday season is over

When come the cold and working in the country collapsed, there comes a time to preserve the tools that have served us faithfully, and send it to storage. If you follow all the rules, in the spring we won’t have to spend money to buy new. The spring costs and so great.

Send gardening tools for storage

All the shovels, hoes, rakes and other implements of the gardener should be preserved. Will conduct the initial inspection and repair everything that had broken during the working season. Dirt and rust to remove. Cleansing is better done with a wire brush or trowel. Lubricate the cutting edge and metal surfaces with oil.

Can’t winter leave tools dirty and UN-lubricated. Still by the same spring will have to do the same job. And in the spring, as you know, do without it a lot

Need to sharpen the blade of a lopper and shears. To remove burrs on the blade of a lopper or garden saws, use a file. The shears for the same purpose is better suited whetstone. Take care of it and wooden handles. They also thoroughly clean, then liberally grease with regular sunflower or linseed oil. Imbued thus, the arms will not crack and will last a long time.

Special attention should be paid to spray fertilizers. It is cleaned, thoroughly washed and dried. All the levers and mount the unit a good coat of machine oil. Hoses free from residues of water, take the ring and hang on the wall. They need to be stored indoors only.

Rules storage electroingenieria

A well-equipped suburban area can not do without Electromechanical equipment. In its preparation for winter required the following steps:

  • drain all excess fuel;
  • replacement of engine oil;
  • check fasteners (brackets, plugs, screws) and filling the actual short.

Require mandatory testing and power cords. If integrity is violated, it is better to change to a new one. Trimmer head cleaned, washed and dried. Knives of mowers sharpen and lubricate. Cleaning need electric scissors, and flowing grass. All knives, metal parts and the movable swivel of the different units are cleaning and lubrication.

Any Electromechanical devices need careful care. But the life of gardeners greatly facilitated if they have one and are in good condition

Tool in any case should not be left where it can wet the rain or snow to sleep. Even the moisture from the fog has a negative effect on performance properties. Ideal storage is a special storage room. If this premise is not suitable workshop or even storage space in the house. Carefully preserved gardening tools to successfully survive a period of dormancy, and will not fail their owners in the spring.

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