Insulation foam

Polyurethane foam is one of the most popular building materials of modern times. It has many advantages such as long life and high thermal efficiency. Moreover, the material is easy to install.

Attention! To carry out the insulation of the premises of polyurethane foam requires special equipment!

The insulation foam perhaps, both inside and outside. For example, when it comes to apartments in multi-storey buildings, the easiest way to carry out internal works. The outer coating will cost quite expensive, since its implementation will need the services of builders-the mountaineers.

The PUF insulation can be done on different surfaces. The fact that the substance has high adhesion and hardens quickly on the surface. Itself, its structure is more reminiscent of the chaotic cells, each cell of which is filled with gas and is sealed.

In order to hold the PUF insulation of the room you will need a device that will mix polyisocyanate and polyol. Responsible for the foaming of the carbon dioxide.

These three substances are served in the spray gun to to get out on the walls in the room or outside. Because of the simplicity and speed of applying polyurethane foam is often used when you need to carry out the insulation of industrial facilities:

  • hangars,
  • silos,
  • warehouses,
  • vegetable storage etc.

In some cases builders is shading, but in order to make it possible you must have the special forms.

What is PPU ↑

Properties and features of application ↑

The thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of the premises is about 0,023 W/mThree. By comparison, the layer of polyurethane foam 50 mm equals the same as the layer of foam 80 mm. If we are talking about mineral wool, not less than 150 mm.

Attention! The most important property of polyurethane foam, which is increasingly used for insulation — high fire resistance. It is much higher than the nearest analogues.

Properties of polyurethane foam, which is required for warming buildings, is largely dependent on the density of the substance. In any case this parameter should not fall below 25 kg/mThree. Otherwise, the coating will have a low mechanical resistance and can easily break under load. Although in some cases this option is allowed for inside work.

The main characteristic of the foam used for insulation of the premises is that it instantly increases in volume after application. Thus the lower the density, the greater the volume.

Attention! Three seconds is usually sufficient to start the reaction.

After the foam has hardened, a monolithic coating that performs many functions. If necessary, you can create a substance, the density of which will reach up to 70 kilograms per cubic meter.

When it comes to external works, it is best to use a foam with a density 45 kilograms per cubic meter. This is more than enough to provide high-quality insulation of the room.

If necessary, the polyurethane foam can be processed basements, foundations, and even the ceilings. Enough to pick up the right consistency to get the desired result.

To make the most efficient use of polyurethane foam for insulation of the premises is necessary to take the gun with the regulator. Thus, you can adjust the speed of deposition of substances on the walls or other elements of construction.

Advantages of polyurethane foam ↑

Before proceeding to the direct insulation of polyurethane foam it is necessary to understand what advantages has this material as insulation. You should start with the prices.

Using polyurethane foam — it is possible to save. For example, it requires much less than that of extruded polystyrene. On average, PPU need 20 percent less. Moreover, by compactness it much easier to transport. The application process takes much less time.

Attention! When using polyurethane for insulating buildings to save on transportation.

In fact, there are a number of important advantages possessed by the foam required for insulation of the premises:

  • low thermal conductivity,
  • light weight the ultimate form of,
  • strength,
  • resistance against mechanical impacts,
  • service life about 50 years,
  • fire resistance,
  • inaccessible to insects,
  • high integrity,
  • resistance to external influences,
  • moisture,
  • insulation.

When applying PU foam not formed seams. It allows to reduce heat loss. Moreover, the protective quality also increase.

Polyurethane foam is not toxic and does not harm how the environment and the health of man in a frozen form. Spraying should be carried out in special clothes, a mask and goggles.

PPU that is used the day of spraying, not moldy. Moreover, it is not edible for rodents. It is also worth noting that this material provides excellent protection from the wind.

Insulation of industrial facilities ↑

There are a number of objects, which is impractical to install a full heating. Exactly these include warehouses, hangars and a variety store. However, to maintain that they are stored in normal condition needs high-quality insulation. For this purpose polyurethane foam.

The use of polyurethane foam ↑

There are many materials which are suitable in order to carry out the insulation of the hangar or granary. Nevertheless, polyurethane foam is used in most cases. The fact that alternative technologies have several disadvantages:

  1. Panel of mineral wool or polystyrene must be fixed to the walls, and it takes a lot of time. In turn, for insulation hangar foam enough to use a gun.
  2. Between the joints of the plates are formed seams.
  3. To the condensation destroyed the plate, additionally you need to apply a waterproofing layer.
  4. Due to the convex design of the hangar or granary it is difficult to uniformly cover plates. Gaps and chips are almost inevitable.
  5. The Board requires a large investment of time.

Only some spalls and cracks between the plates lead to losing about 50 percent of the heat. If to carry out the insulation of the granary or hangar through PPU — these losses will be able to avoid.

How to apply ↑

The time required for warming the room, through a PUF depends on square footage and designs, for example, in some cases, to cause the substance will need to install a forest.

When PUF insulation of the walls of hangar or warehouse, the foam gets to the surface in liquid form and solidifies. Due to the filling of small cracks and chips. As a result, the total strength of the room increases.

The process of spray polyurethane foam for insulation of the room is 11 stages:

  1. Clean the walls from the old cover.
  2. Install the crate. Its installation use level and body kit. If the wall is uneven, the insulation of the premises polyurethane foam will allow it to align.
  3. Using the spray gun apply the substance on the walls.
  4. Adjust the spray polyurethane foam so that the applied layer corresponded to the crate.
  5. The walls of the room starts from the bottom. Special attention should be paid to the elements of the sheathing.
  6. If the thickness of the first layer is insufficient, the surface to be processed again.
  7. As soon as the substance on the walls of the room will fall asleep — will need to align. Simply cut off the protruding elements.
  8. Can be put on top of the lining. If the work was done outside, allowed to make additional brickwork or plaster, with the subsequent processing.
  9. If you decide to plaster the walls of the room, you need a special mesh. It is mounted on the guide elements of the crates.
  10. For applying the solution it is best to use a special technique. This will speed up the process of warming the room.
  11. At the end of the applied levelling plaster.

After carrying out all these works on warming the room with foam on the inside will be warm. As you can see, in order to achieve a good result, it is required to perform a lot of additional work.

The results ↑

Polyurethane foam is a great material for insulation of buildings of any type. However, due to its properties and speed of application it is often used for treatment of sheds, granaries, warehouses and other industrial facilities.

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