Best acrylic paint for walls, floor, ceiling

Acrylic paints are one of the most modern paint materials used in construction, painting, painted porcelain, leather and fabrics. Is this type of paint, how to perform external and internal finishing works. Acrylic coatings are quite durable and elastic, which is achieved due to resins, which is the main binder component of the composition.

Coating materials based on acrylic are made from the liquid of sticky substance, to which is added certain coloring pigment. After drying on a treated surface is formed from a durable transparent film, which does not absorb water, and moreover has not washed off it.

The benefits ↑

Acrylic coating materials have several important characteristics, namely:

  • durability, wear resistance and fire safety of the coating;
  • good hiding power and low material consumption;
  • the paintwork has a natural ventilation that makes acrylic coatings for painting of wooden surfaces;
  • small time drying;
  • the brightness of the coating is maintained even after drying;
  • after drying on the surface do not exist «wrinkles» or cracked;
  • simplicity and ease of application;
  • the absence of the sharp unpleasant odor;
  • the cost.

The fact that the acrylic compositions can be applied on almost any surface and dry quickly, allows their use in various fields. Material, giving moisture when drying, not pollute the environment and can therefore be used for surfaces both inside and outside the premises.

However, working with acrylic part must be carefully and accurately prepare the surface. Before you purchase the paint material is required to look at the packet for what types of surface is that paint.

Another feature acrylic coatings is that it can be made not only water-based. The composition of the paint material may include resins that are soluble in organic liquids. Such compositions can be stored from -30? to +40?C, but they are unsafe for human health, at that time, as a safe acrylic water-soluble paints do not tolerate low temperatures because after freezing they collapse.

Acrylic paint for wood ↑

Paintwork on an oil or lacquer base allow you to keep the color and texture of fresh wood, but they are not able to improve the appearance and characteristics already darkened wood.

In this case, it is recommended that the application of the acrylic composition is intended to process wood. This coating will protect the woodwork from moisture and mold, but also eliminate the insect damage. In addition to the paint material based on acrylate is resistant to sunlight, which allows to preserve the original color and not peel off.

Processing of wood with acrylic paint ↑

Experts advise to do the painting of wooden surfaces at room temperature using the gun, but you can use a regular roller or paint brush. Acrylic paint for wood are sold fully ready for use without preliminary dilution. When painting porous surfaces with high absorbency, they are necessary before applying the finish coat pre-treated with special pigmented primer. Acrylic coating has high hiding power and allows the use of universal methods of drying and hardens quickly.

The average time of complete drying of one layer of acrylic paint is about three days, after which, if necessary, the wooden surface can be painted one more time. After drying, acrylic coating forms a solid film, but also creates a lasting antiseptic protection of wood surfaces. Acrylic paint compared to other paints are more elastic and less prone to cracking. Such coatings do not have a sharp unpleasant odor, more environmentally friendly and do not pollute the atmosphere.

Creating a durable and abrasion resistant coating, acrylic coating materials give the surfaces presentable. Some species are even able to maintain its structure. Having a lot of advantages in comparison with other types of coatings, namely acrylic paints are the most used in modern construction for painting of wooden surfaces.

Proper application of acrylic paints ↑

The plastered surface before processing the acrylic paints do require some preparation. The substrate must be clean, durable and dry, what you need to clean the surface of old paint layers, dust, dirt and, if necessary, wash it with water. Upon detection of unreliable grounds should it primed.

Before staining the surface, it is desirable to align, and to reduce paint consumption and additionally ground surface. The technique used depends directly on the workpiece, and the desired result. The paint before applying should be diluted, but not in the tank, which was purchased paint material.

Before painting you should paint material previously prepared. Depending on the types of anticipated work, the original paint must be thickened or diluted. There are special solvents for dilution of water-based paints gives the coating matte or glossy shade.

In order that the surface quality coating color is carried out in two coats using a spray gun, roller or paint brush. Painting stucco surfaces is a separate issue, because to obtain a quality coating should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • the surface on which will be applied to acrylic paint, it should result in a perfect condition with wooden trimming timber wrapped in sandpaper. It is necessary to remove all the irregularities from the wall;
  • want to protect your work place a protective coating in order subsequently to remove the excess paint;
  • you also need to choose the appropriate painting tool;
  • the paint must be diluted in designated containers suitable for the width of the used roller and having a corrugated surface for removal of surplus material;
  • to obtain a quality painted surface, the paint should be in one direction.

Also, when applied on the surface of the acrylic paint materials should consider several features, namely, that such colors can not work in strong winds, temperatures below +5?C and above +27?C , high humidity, particularly right after a rain and in bright sunlight. Besides, it is impossible to use the unfrozen paint.

The Council! The better prepared the surface is, the better the adhesion of paint with it, less consumption and more durable than the paint itself.

Thinning acrylic paint for exterior and interior work ↑

Acrylic, or as they are called, waterborne paint, produce already in ready to use form. However, this paint material during storage can sagynali or may need to be more liquid consistency of paint.

In the commercially available diluents, which besides giving paint material desired consistency also provide paintwork:

  • more of a smooth matte or glossy surface;
  • durable enough finish layer.

To achieve this we use special compounds that are produced for each brand of paint separately. For best results it is recommended to use those compounds which are specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for use. And no need to experiment when choosing the right solvent, since it is not always possible to predict the final result, which after some time may appear unpleasant surprises.

How to dissolve acrylic paint materials and how to change color ↑

To give the acrylic paint required for normal consistency, add the composition in the solvent, but rather to introduce a diluent in the coating material while stirring constantly with a mixer construction.

To produce a desired shade using special toners, since, as a rule, the acrylic coatings are available in white color. The range of hues that can be obtained thanks to a special coloring is quite wide. To get the desired color you want to first mix the powder with a small amount of paint, gradually adding the toner composition to achieve the desired tint and at the same time, not forgetting to stir constantly.

The paint coating on the treated surface and prepared to perform special spray, roller or paint brush, depending on the opportunities and conditions of work which are to be painted. It is worth considering that in the process of drying water-based coating materials can be several times to change the tint of the color. For this reason, before treating the whole surface, it is desirable to apply paint to a test area to know what will be the final paint color. After completion of all paint work it is advisable to keep in a sealed container material residues, for the probable restoration of minor paved sections in the future.

Paint consumption ↑

In principle, to calculate the number of acrylic paints, essential for painting 1 m? concrete, brick or wood surfaces, and accordingly, how many need material easy. As a rule, factory package paint materials manufacturer indicates consumption for 1m? the treated surface. In order to calculate the needed amount take the total surface area you need to paint and multiply by the value of the paint consumption for 1m? and the number of layers of paint. The resulting value is better than rounding in a big way to create a small reserve that may be needed in the future for a probable restoration of the coating during operation. It is necessary also because after a couple years the paint is the same color and manufacturer will be different from the current shade, which is normal for different batches of products.

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