Shelves for the icons of their hands

Following the Orthodox tradition of the Slavs, many people decorate their living space with icons. This reflects the desire of the faithful to show respect to the Church and become closer to religion. It has long been the icon of the house was located on the iconostasis, which is called a Shrine or a red corner. Now the icons are hung directly on the wall or set on a shelf, playing the role of the iconostasis. The desire to build a sacred place in a special way leads to the decision to make a shelf for the icons themselves.

Shelves for the icons of their hands

Variants of structures ↑

Orthodox canons require the placement of icons on the East wall. Alternatively, the settling place of the iconostasis in the corner, sent to the East. Depending on the selected parcel shelf is straight or angled. The small size of the corner shelves require the arrangement of a multi-tiered design. Shelf can be equipped with a rear wall. Often, it is made carved with images of birds, vegetation or contours of the Holy apostles. Traditions of the Orthodox Church do not provide for accommodation near Church paraphernalia items unrelated to religion. Having defined the shape of the shelves, move on to preparing the material and tools.

Shelves for the icons of their hands

Materials and components ↑

Traditionally shelves for icons are made of wood, it can be natural wood or derivatives (chipboard, MDF, LDF). In advance taking care of all materials, components and tools, you will avoid unplanned downtime. Starting from the selected shelf designs for icons, at hand should be:

  • Board any breed with a thickness of 1.5-3.0 cm.
  • A small part of the chipboard, MDF or LDF.
  • Glue, suitable for the connection of wood.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Varnish and various paints (silver, gold and black)
  • Cutter and jigsaw.
  • Drill and lathe.
  • Wood saw.
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Hinges, dowels, brackets.

The ways of decorating ↑

Depending on the complexity of the elements of decoration of the shelf under the icons, they can be done by hand or buy ready. Experience in wood processing enables to manufacture candlesticks, balusters and carved Reiki yourself. Tops shelf for icons, it is desirable to execute a thread, a crucifix or a picture of the Church domes. To save the situation in the absence of necessary skills will help craftsmen or companies engaged in woodworking that offer their products in wide range. Find the missing pieces to the shelf under the icons in the Church shop.

Woodcarving ↑

If desired, complex patterns and reliefs can be cut with your hands. The design of the crucifixion precedes the choice of a suitable image.

The Council! Selected for carving soft wood: birch, spruce, pine, aspen, or juniper. Board thickness is 15 mm.

Tool to work on making shelves for the icons, you will need a set of cutters. Process thread consists of the following steps:

  • Using sketch paper and transfer paper, the outline and contours of convex elements are transferred to the whole Board.
  • The crucifixion, intended for the shelf with the icons is cut using jigsaws.
  • Concave elements are made by the cutters. The thread is carried out layers and carefully handling the inside corners using a thin cutter.
  • When the crucifixion for the shelf under the icons ready, product skins with fine abrasive mesh.

When you run for the shelf reliefs segments of their connection with each other is performed on the back side with a piece of MDF. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • The individual elements are applied to the panel, and enclosed in a common shape.
  • The resulting circuit is cut along the edge with a margin of 5 mm.
  • Segments of the bas-relief for the shelf with the icons pasted to a sheet of MDF.
  • The remains of the panel, neatly trimmed with a jigsaw or a milling cutter.
  • The ends of the decorative element polished with emery paper.

Manufacturer of balusters for the shelf with icons involves work on a lathe. Finished parts are also subjected to grinding.

The simulation ↑

If the self is to decorate a shelf under the icons on wood carving is not possible, and the finished parts can’t find, you can resort to imitation of the carved elements. To achieve the effect allows the procedure of burning of the ornament with the subsequent autopsy enamel of individual image fragments on the shelf for icons. This will require:

  • The contour of the figure to copy to the surface of the upper part of a shelf for the icons.
  • The outlines of the image are drawn by a cautery device.
    ?Attention! The ornament on the shelf for the icons must have the same tint on all treated areas.
  • After applying the outline, the allocated areas are covered by enamel with an art brush, the diameter of which is 1 mm., it is Important not to paint the outline of the image with paint.
  • Prepared decorative element lacquered.

Manufacture of parts ↑

Basically stand for icons includes the following details:

  • side panel;
  • shelves;
  • stand;
  • bumpers.

Their sizes depend on the chosen form and location.

Single-tier straight shelf ↑

After careful study of the drawing go directly to the manufacture of the shelf under the icons.

The Council! The distance between the shelves is determined based on the size of the icons available in the house, and maybe a little more.

For wood construction you must:

  • Sketch dimensions migrate to chipboard or MDF, then cut out the templates. Apply to the templates for the plywood is not recommended due to the need for further processing after cutting.
  • Blanks are applied to the Board, it is preferable to select a material thickness of 15 mm, every detail for the shelf is formed jigsaw.
  • The edges of cut elements are processed by milling cutter and polished with abrasive paper.
  • To assemble the shelf under the icons start after cutting out and sanding all the parts.
  • In conclusion, the product is varnished.

Corner shelf ↑

Manufacturer of corner shelf under the icons, consider the example of use as a core material fiberboard. So:

  • On a sheet of MDF with a pencil and ruler transferred the dimensions of a right triangle. They can be arbitrary, we recommend you to stay at the option 280/280/380.
  • The drawn shape is cut jigsaw.
  • The edge of the flange need to be processed an emery paper, carefully sand the end of the broad side.
  • For further finishing the future the shelf under the icons you will need a sheet of veneer. Better to buy a product, treated with adhesive and covered with foil. The lack of recommended protection will require the additional purchase of glue.
  • On the veneer sheet is applied to a triangle of the same size (280/280/380). Cut out the shape with a sharp knife.
  • Removing from the interior of the triangle film and place it on the item of particle Board with a hot iron.
  • Similarly treat the end of the broad side of the shelf under the icons spanaway termrental. Virtuoso allows jigsaw to make the edge of the flange is not a standard termrental and decorate with patterned frill of veneer.
  • On the sides of the triangular shelf under the icons with the help of screws fixed in the two loops.
  • In conclusion, the product is attached to a corner of the room.

The nuances of fixing ↑

Mount the shelf under the icons is done with dowels. The original hinges are installed on the product, then the whole structure is applied to the wall and marked the location holes. Then drill prepared cavities and screwed the dowels. Then hung brackets or braces. To avoid unwanted contamination when drilling holes for the shelf under the icons in two ways. In the presence of helpers, it is sufficient to use a vacuum cleaner, exposing the pipe to the place of work with a drill, and all the garbage will disappear in the bowels of the vacuum cleaner. Work with a shelf under the icons alone forced to use another trick. Of the four landscape sheets (the number of prepared holes) are twisted conical shape (just kites). Then use the tape they are attached under the points identified for drilling. This simple device will prevent excessive clogging of the floor while fixing a shelf under the icons.

It is important! Shelf fixed high enough, at a distance of 50-80 cm from the ceiling, as according to the Orthodox canons of the icon must be at or above the human eye and rise above the rest decor items.

What else should be considered when installing a shelf under the icons:

  • lack of close painting, or other decorative elements;
  • the use of candlesticks obliges to take care of fire safety measures: close should not be combustible and flammable materials (curtains, paper, etc.).

The location of the icons ↑

Adhering to the traditions of the Orthodox Church, under images it is desirable to equip three regiments. This product distinguish the main range, called Deisis. Observance of the canons provides the location of the faces of saints on a shelf in sequence:

  • On the top row (Deisis) in the center have an icon of Jesus, on the left is the image of the blessed virgin, and on the right John the Baptist. When there is space further to the left on the shelf put the image of the Archangel Michael, and Gabriel on the right.
  • Festive icons placed on the middle shelf. These are images of the most significant festivals of Christians, ideally, they should be 12.
  • Bottom shelf of the iconostasis is filled with your favorite saints faces the occupants of the house, it is called local.

Corner shelf design is preferably straight, as consistent with the traditions of Orthodoxy positioning images «red corner».

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