Gypsum decorative stone for interior decoration

Since ancient times people tried to find different stone applications. With him went hunting, butchered prey, fighting with enemies, and later began to build a safe haven. However, our ancestors were not alien to the sense of beauty, and they began to notice that the stones are beautiful. Thus was born the first design techniques to decorate homes and public spaces the stone. Had one problem with it – a lot of weight. The solution was found in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, Ancient Greece. In those countries where a high level of development reached architecture. It doesn’t matter who he borrowed, it is imperative that these Nations learned to make artificial stone. Including on the basis of gypsum.

Today we have the opportunity to decorate our apartments and houses of artificial stone, shape and colors close to natural. This stone is called wild, and laying ripped. Gypsum decorative stone anyone able to make your hands it is simple enough to install and, most importantly, it is affordable.

What is gypsum a decorative stone? ↑

It is made from ground gypsum and water, to which may be added sand, a modifier, a surfactant solution (a surfactant), pigments. Manufacturers use different recipes for the manufacture of such tiles, however, the basis of these mixtures of gypsum and water. Decorative stone can be made in the form of tiles, brick and natural «wild» stone.

The popularity of decorative gypsum due to its wonderful qualities:

  • Light weight material.

  • Beautiful appearance.

  • The ability to get a different texture and different colors.

  • High strength.

  • Easy handling.

  • Good sound and heat insulation characteristics.

  • Hygiene and environmental friendliness. Surfaces coated with such material, retain the ability «breathe».

  • A positive effect on the microclimate in the room.

Application in the process of manufacturing gypsum decorative stone new modifiers can improve quality of natural gypsum. This primarily relates to the strength characteristics, reliability and durability.

Application ↑

Gypsum decorative stone for interior and exterior decoration, they are decorated with arches, doorways, balconies, fireplaces. A finishing material looks good on large and small areas. In small rooms it is preferable to put a plaster tile fragments, not to coat the entire surface of the wall. In a small living room or bedroom wall, fully lined decorative tile will leave a strange impression. Thus it is better to use gypsum decorative stone in large, spacious rooms.

It is considered that classic design decorative stone installation of fireplaces.

The Council. Use for decorating walls, plaster tiles are small in size with a medium-sized texture. On the contrary, the arch is preferable to put a rough brick with a pronounced rough texture. Be sure to plaster tile color combined with the color scheme of the entire room.

Gypsum decorative stone is perfectly combined with wood, ceramics, decorative plaster and looks great with Wallpaper. He brings to the design space, the solidity of which can be cozy and warm or strict and solemn. Very impressive is the interior reception of emphasis with the help of gypsum separate elements of the walls, columns and podium. This enhances the effect of the combination of smooth and «torn» surfaces and finishing materials.

In addition to decorative function, gypsum tile is able to perform and utilitarian, including for the protection of arches and doorways. Gypsum tile, due to its low weight, can be installed on thin walls and partitions. It does not absorb dirt and dust, the tiles are easy to clean.

Manufacturer of gypsum decorative stone with their hands ↑

The cost of finished gypsum decorative stone in stores of building materials and construction markets is several times lower than the cost of natural stone. However, you have the opportunity to save money and instead of buying to make plaster decorative stone with their hands. This will require:

  • Matrix of silicone or polyurethane. Material for internal and external works are made using different matrices. Different matrix and the type of surface of the finished product. Rigid matrix of plastic and metal is better not to buy, they’re a little harder to work with. In addition, the soft matrix of the plaster will fill in all the details of the relief and the finished product will have the desired texture. In solid matrices embossed surface we get we can’t. In any case, the matrix can be used repeatedly.

  • The pallet on which to set the matrix. The matrix preferably a little shaken after pouring the solution to remove air bubbles. It will be enough to shake a few times, so we don’t need a vibrating table. Easier to shake them, before setting on a tray.

  • The table on which we place the tray of dies, plastic tanks, components for solution preparation and the finished product.

  • Drill with two mixing nozzles.

  • Two plastic containers for the mixture and the solution.

  • Notched trowel.

  • Flat brush.

  • Components for the manufacture of gypsum a decorative stone gypsum, water, sand, modifier, pigment, surfactant solution.

  • Composition for pre-treatment of silicone matrices. Treated with such a composition matrix products extracted much easier and their performance improved.

After processing of internal surfaces of a matrix of a special composition from a spray with light strokes to apply the paint the desired shade. Gypsum decorative stone can produce two – or three-color. For paint use flat brush.

In a container, pour plaster and sand. In another, mix the water, modifier, pigment (if you want to get painted the entire depth of the product), the surfactant solution. Mix thoroughly machine / whisk. Then pour this solution into the container with plaster and continue to interfere with the other machine / whisk.

It is very important! The solution should be fairly thick. The product of liquid plaster of Paris will be a long time to dry and will not have the necessary strength. Count the number of solution just for one fill – solution to quickly grasp, and you will not have time to repeat the operation.

Pour the finished solution in the matrix, wait until the mortar starts to set, notched trowel and remove the excess from the matrix. On the back surface of gypsum a decorative stone strip formed, so it will have better adhesion to the wall surface.

After about half an hour extract the finished product from the matrix and put it on the table. Gypsum rock has yet to gain strength. Heat treatment for the finished product is not needed.

Laying plasterboard ↑

Tools and materials required for installation:

  • Handsaw (for wood).
  • A simple pencil for marking cutting lines.
  • File.
  • Chisel.
  • Building level.
  • Spatulas.
  • A mitre box (preferably with high sides) for sawing of decorative stone at an angle of 45° and 90°.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Two brushes (for paint and lacquer).
  • Tile adhesive gypsum-based. One bag will take 3-7 m?.
  • Drill machine / whisk.
  • Capacity for the preparation tile adhesive.
  • Primer and cushion.
  • Putty. Using putty we will samajam the seams between the joints.
  • Kitchen sponges. They are useful for application to the seams of putty.
  • Paint for seams. When buying decorative stone, paint the desired color given in the kit. For the plaster tile, made by hand, the paint you will choose for yourself. Paint will paint over the seams and chips place (in the work anything can happen).
  • Lacquer (water based).
It is important! Tile is expanded and visible, depends on whether the color of the product from the corner and side viewing. If dependent, select tiles «right» side and begin laying.

The surface of the wall and the back of the tile pre-primed. We have about an hour of time left before the primer has dried. Dilute the glue (don’t need much!) to a thick paste, mix thoroughly. Level check the horizontal floor, the first tile should be laid on the line, which will inflict level. Comb trowel apply the adhesive to the wall in a small amount, otherwise it will dry before styling. Tightly pressed against the tiles, excess adhesive from squeezing under them. Remove the excess with a sponge.

Try from the first row to be laid so that the tiles are alternated in size and did not happen recurrence. If necessary, choose a tile of another size. It is an imitation of natural stone, which is in the nature of the coincidences does not know. And constantly check the evenness of the masonry.

Trimming in difficult places make a chisel, then treated the edges with sandpaper. Zarazem angles using the miter box. Tiles should adjoin densely to each other. The saw cuts well as sanding sticks. A curly cut is done along the lines of the invoice.

Place the notched trim, joints and corners neatly sealed with putty. It is convenient to purchase special bags from which to squeeze the filler into the desired location. With a damp sponge remove the remains so that the tiles have nothing left. After drying putty go through these places with a brush of paint in the color of the tiles. The final touch is a coating of gypsum a decorative stone water-based varnish. Now, wet cleaning are not afraid of him.

It was the penultimate touch. Stand up, go back a few meters, and with a tired but satisfied smile of a master inspect your work. It may be worthwhile to correct in a couple of places. All you can call your friends and family – you have earned them compliments.

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