Decorative plaster Bayramiks

Marble plaster is a decorative composite coating, made on the basis of acrylic polymers and water emulsions, granite and marble chips. This material is widely used as the topcoat in the implementation of internal and external finishing works. The first plasters appeared in the times of the Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Architects of the time were able to obtain a finishing material, allowing you not just to align the surface, but the mask cracks, ledges available to them.

In addition, the first stucco gave the building quite presentable. For the work of the ancient masters used the plaster compositions and lime mortars. The binder is in those plaster mixtures were paint, casein glue, and natural pigments. Despite the fact that from that distant period has passed for several centuries, the demand of the plaster is not decreased. Only changed the technology of its production, adding new technical characteristics that allow to increase the operational period of modern decorative plasters.

Application features marble mixture Bayramiks ↑

Despite the diversity of products offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers of decorative plaster, in demand are considered to be mixtures of bayramiks.

This decorative plaster is perfectly clean, therefore, the optimal when decorating small architectural forms and facades of buildings. In addition the mixture Bayramiks suitable as a finishing material at repair of toilets, lobbies, halls, cafes and restaurants.

The main advantages of the material Bayramiks ↑

This decorative plaster in comparison with analogues has a number of distinctive characteristics. First and foremost, it is important to note that this plaster can be applied to almost all surfaces. Bayramiks is suitable for decoration of concrete panels, drywall, plywood, wooden panels, light and porous concrete.

Attention! Mix Bayramiks suitable for even surfaces, on which the preserved latex or acrylic paint old.

Decorative plaster type «Bayramiks» characterized by high mechanical strength, a high level of adaptability. In addition, the manufacturers offer different color options and mixtures, you can pick your favorite shade, taking into account the interior that is created in the room. The photo shows the decorative plaster Bayramiks.

Such compositions have excellent SiteRemote, they are resistant to moisture. In addition, decorative plaster Bayramiks option excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation, is not destroyed under the action of aggressive chemicals (acids and alkalis). The advantage is the ease of care after applying the plaster to the decorated surface.

The Council! The mixture Bayramiks can be used in medical institutions, as it withstands the processing solution of chlorine bleach.

The application of such decorative material on the photo.

Features of application ↑

As with any finishing material, decorative plaster is applied on prepared surface. The base should be cleaned of dust, oily stains. The detection of serious chips or cracks, runs the initial priming of the surface, and once it dries, plaster is applied (photo-received coating).

The Council! In order to obtain a smooth layer, check the uniformity of the base.

Features of the use of plaster presented in the video snippet

When decorating a metal surface, first base treated with rust inhibitor to protect the metal from damage. Only then begin to spray on the metal surface of the plaster layer.

The Council! The finished coating has maintained its operational and technical characteristics for a long period, it is further coated with alkyd or epoxy composition.

About how to start applying for a facade or wall marble mix Bayramiks, it is advisable to conduct a proper priming job. The primer layer not only protects the Foundation from mold, but will give it uniformity.

Conditions for the application of plasters ↑

There are some limitations on temperature and humidity, which should be mentioned. If work is performed indoors, the moisture content should not be more than 10 %. Apply a coat of plaster, provided the temperature is above 5 degrees, but below 30. In rainy wet weather to carry out plastering work professionals do not recommend.

Materials and tools for work ↑

To get the desired result after applying the finishing plaster, first stock up on special materials and tools. In addition to the plaster mix, you will need a hammer, tape measure, ladder, paint brush, protective gloves, trowel. To prepare the solution in a special container, clearly following the recommendations specified by the manufacturer of decorative plaster.

The Council! Drill with a special machine / whisk will help speed up the process of dissolution of the composition, to avoid lumps in the mixture.

The recommendations of the professionals ↑

In the process of applying ready-made plaster on the surface part there are color spots. The reason for this problem is the uneven thickness of the layer. In order to eliminate spots, the entire area of the surface need to re-apply a layer of plaster mix.

Attention! Apply a new layer of plaster only after the full drying of the base layer.

Appearance on the wall yellow spots speaks about the negative effects of the components of the base during polymerization of the material. To prevent such troubles, it is necessary to carefully carry out preparatory work.

If you plan to re-apply the plaster Bayramix on the front of the house, first, it is desirable to inspect the condition of stormwater systems and utilities. Making sure that problems do not exist, you can start decorating the surface.

If the surface is perfect, can be limited to applying only one layer of plaster mixture, to obtain good savings.

Features of decorative plaster Bayramiks ↑

The type of plaster Bayramiks used a rather complex chemical composition. The blend includes natural aggregate, and acrylic paint. High-quality raw components which make decorative material reliable and durable. Apply it on the surface can even those who have no special skills of plastering work. Among the advantages of such decorative compositions, which made the mixture Bayramiks popular among the owners of houses and office buildings, we note the preservation of the original aesthetic characteristics throughout the entire operational period. The coating does not crack, no yellowing, no moldy.

Conclusion ↑

Walls that are coated with a finish Bayramiks, can be considered as exclusive options for interior and exterior decoration. Color saturation, depth of shades, will please the owners of country mansions. Plaster bayramiks view can be considered a real boon for fans of the original and stylish interior.

Similar to the plaster mix helps to make the familiar interior some «exclusive notes», to bring with it the most daring and unusual design decisions. It is a decorative mixture, which is composed of marble chips, recently gaining popularity with homeowners.

What attracts in these mixes professionals and Amateurs? First and foremost, and excellent durability such finishing compositions. Natural stone included in them, does not crumble, does not deteriorate with time. The resultant coating does not crack and is resistant to any adverse external stimuli, including sudden fluctuations in temperatures. Besides marble chips does not alter the external parameters, so it even after 20-30 years will have a beautiful appearance, as if struck the plaster just a few days ago. Besides the walls, framed in this composition look natural and naturally, they will be a great addition to.

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