Paint for interior works

The choice of materials for furnish of premises should be approached very carefully, as the decision will depend on what impression the building will make on you and your guests.

Types of paints ↑

The most common types of paints for interior work are:

  • oil and enamel,
  • glue,
  • emulsion and water-based.

Also of note is the rubber compositions, which is well suited for application on many surfaces needing protection from moisture.

Adhesive ↑

This type of paint for interior works well on any surface and dries quickly, allowing you to make repairs in a short time. The compositions sold in powder form and have a variety of shades, so the home owner can choose the most suitable option of interior decoration. They are created specifically for interior trim, as rapidly destroyed under the influence of atmospheric phenomena.

Paint for interior works

It is not recommended to use in rooms ventilation which happens very rarely, because if this rule is violated in the coating begin to appear various microorganisms. Adhesives can be applied to different types of surfaces, but before using them it is necessary to carefully prepare the walls, freeing them from the cracks and gaps.

It is important! The adhesive coating have a low moisture resistance.

Rubber ↑

Constant updating of building materials leads to the fact that many of those who do not have knowledge in this field can choose the most suitable covering for your home. One of the modern formulations is a rubber paint for the interior, which has many positive characteristics.

Paint for interior works

It is used for:

  • stucco, brick, concrete and wallpapered surfaces;
  • painted wood and steel;
  • drawing on previously painted areas.

The specificity of these compounds is that they completely seal the surface and protect it from moisture. It should say that the rubber coating is used for sealing cracks in the roof that speaks of its superiority over other types of mixtures.

The properties of the rubber compounds allow you to use them in the bathroom that will protect the walls from moisture. The coating will fully sealing all surfaces, not passing water.

It is important! Apply the rubber paint should be in several layers.

After coating, it feels like soft rubber and therefore becomes a good replacement for the standard tile baths.

Features rubber coating ↑

Distinctive characteristics of the material are:

  • temperature resistance,
  • high waterproofing properties,
  • surface protection from corrosion,
  • resistance to moisture and abrasion,
  • containment of emerging cracks,
  • a high degree of adhesion.

The rubber composition has a wide range of colors, so it can be used in many different places and be combined successfully with elements of the interior. Feature of the coating is its elasticity, due to which, even when applied to the corners of the cracking is completely eliminated. One of the main advantages of this coating are its anti-slip properties. Thanks to them, it is more secure than tiles.

Features of silicate paints ↑

Apply silicate paint in the same areas that calcareous compounds. They are well suited for surfaces with mineral Foundation, and apply on plastered walls and concrete. Feature of silicate paints is that they are often used to create a painting surface. After applying this composition to get the image which is difficult to distinguish from the real murals.

A distinctive feature of the paint is water resistance and water vapor permeability and resistance to temperature changes. The strength of such compositions is higher than lime, so it can be used for both internal and external works.

Other benefits:

  • silicate coatings are resistant to acid precipitation, which is important when using them on the facade;
  • the life of paint can be up to 15 years;
  • in such structures practically do not breed bacteria.

The disadvantages of such coatings include the inability to block cracks in the surface due to the lack of elasticity. Especially often silicate compounds are used for dyeing which is not primed the walls in the corridors and hallways and also in basements.

Coating for lining ↑

Many owners are looking for the most suitable paint for the siding to give it the most beautiful look. Those who like the natural color of the material, use a stain, which is then varnished or waxed. Some use a translucent dye that preserves the natural shades of wood.

There are several types of paint that are well suited to cover the walls and ceiling of the lining:

  • oil,
  • acrylic,
  • alkyd,
  • paint water-based.

Oil paint for internal works without the smell and dries quickly, but soon clarified and is elastic, which on the surface often cracks appear.

Acrylic created from environmentally friendly material, so it can be used to paint surfaces in all living rooms. In the operation of composition does not evaporate harmful substances, and during application odourless. Acrylic paints have many shades and can therefore be used in rooms with different interior. The tint lasts longer than when using oil formulations.

Paint is water based do not possess so many advantages, but due to the low price buys a large number of people having repair.

Textured paint ↑

One of the most important conditions included in internal processing, it becomes the beauty of the walls, floor and ceiling. Traditional Wallpaper look, not bad, but textured paints for interior work are becoming more popular finishing material.


  1. Practicality. Such compositions are not afraid the appearance of mold and moisture. Due to this the surface is safe to wash.
  2. The possibility of drawing on different materials.
  3. Resistance to sunlight. When using the mixture on the facade of the house, it does not lose its color even with prolonged exposure to UV rays and other factors.
  4. Decorative properties. When applying the composition to the walls they are not only beautiful, but also give the room originality.
  5. Filling cracks. This feature allows paint to completely mask the irregularities of the wall.
  6. Resistance to mechanical impact. Paint lasts quite a lengthy time and retains the appearance howling.
  7. The water vapor permeability. This property provides a normal level of humidity in the room.

Latex paint ↑

Feature of latex paint becomes a little drying time. The surface will be ready after 2 hours after application. While latex paint for interior works harmless and therefore can be used even in the nursery. The composition has a specific smell, continuing for several weeks, unlike others. Another advantage is the presence of multiple shades.

This paint for internal works without the smell is of several types:

  • acrylic,
  • silicone,
  • mineral,
  • silicate.

The first named are the most common, as it actively resists moisture. Thanks to the owner of the premises can safely wash a painted surface and not worry about what coating will be ruined. When applying several layers of paint securely hide even large cracks.

Silicone kind of coverage applies to expensive types, but despite this it is quite popular, as they are able to paint over the cracks with a width of about 2 mm. Mineral water-based paint is used mainly for coating concrete and masonry surfaces. If there are many advantages the main disadvantage of mixtures is becoming the short period of operation in contrast to the silicate paint, which can last about 20 years.

Decorative paints ↑

Feature decorative compositions is the ability to create the perfect interior space, as the paint can simulate different surfaces. For example, you can create a metallic Shine or a wall that looks as if it is made of natural stone.

At the same time, changing the lighting, you can create a variety of effects. Choosing a specific color lamp, for example, will you light your room with the rays of the setting or rising sun. One of the main advantages of this type of compounds is a lack of need for surface treatment. The paint is applied even on walls with the remaining parts of other compositions.

It is important! To prepare the surface is in that case, if the old paint starts to flake from the wall.

The paint for interior use on plaster, you can apply rollers, sponges and brushes. But the most effective method becomes coated with a special gun. Depending on the type of paint can get a different effect. Some are mosaic, some others prefer metallic luster or pearlescent sheen. Looking at the photo, you can choose what you like it. Very interesting are the colors that are able to change reflection depending on the lighting type.

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